Pearl x Baby!Reader

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Pearl's P.O.V

It was late. Late like the moon was almost about to start to make it descend in the sky.

It was late and I was outside.

Thinking. That's all I ever did when I was out this late. Thinking.

Thinking about the many mistakes, the many failures the many things I never could do for Rose.

Of course no one knew about these occasional escapades, Garnet probably did if she used her future vision at the least.

It's always nice when it's dark.

The moon illuminates the ocean. It used to light up the fence we once had but that has been taken down years ago.

I walked along the sand. Specifically the area where the water touches land. My shoes were off, in my hands and all I could feel was the comforting feeling of the water.

I walked along the beach, reaching the docks beside the place Steven referred to as "FunLand"

No one was outside, it was me and me alone. My footsteps softly echoing as I stepped along the board walk.

It must have been a few hours later, the sun has started to rise when I turned to head back.

The town folk has started to wake up and start their small businesses as I slipped my shoes on and hurried to get back to the temple.

It was near there that I saw it. On the sand, quite possible that I had missed it in the dark of night but there nonetheless.

It was moving and screaming and crying, reaching out to nothing.

A baby. Just lying in the middle of the beach.

A baby. A human baby.

I wanted to just leave it there. It had no significance to me but I picked it up anyway.

Rose would have wanted me to somehow, I know it.

The ear deafening wails had ceased and the baby looked up at me with big (e/c) eyes.

Her short (h/c) hair was held in place with a small stretchy headband, not that there was much to keep out of her eyes anyways.

I cradled her and stroked her chubby cheek. A small yawn escaped her lips as she snuggled closer towards me.

My first initial thought was where are her parents? But upon looking around, there was no one.

I slowly climbed up the steps to the temple, looking for any signs of a name written somewhere.

It was only when Garnet greeted me at the front door- expecting me to arrive that second that she told me a letter was in the baby's blanket.

Opening the bundle wrapped securely around her, a small pink envelope fell out, battered and creased.

I stared at it before hesitantly deciding to place the sleeping girl in a bed that was decent for her size.

This was a fairly simple task, i knew Amethyst kept some of Steven's old things in her room and for once, she complied and dragged out a crib that was slightly off balance.

With a flashing light it was fixed and the little girl was sound asleep inside.

"Yo P, where'd you find that human?" Amethyst stared at the sleeping child.

"I found her on the beach... With this letter-" I went to grab the piece of paper to find it had disappeared and reappeared in none other than Steven's hand.

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