The Longest Time Ago ~ Crystal Gems x Reader ~ Finale (Pt 7)

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"She's gonna die" Amethyst stated bluntly. "That's just a fact."

"And that's disgusting." Lapis spat, appalled at the Crystal Gem's attitude. "She came to us- YOU guys for HELP and you couldn't even do that!" she lowered Peridot down towards the ground, allowing the smaller gem to touch ground with her out two feet.

"Agreed, while I may not have known (Y/n) for that long, she didn't ask for the Red Eye to come, she didn't ask for Homeworld to go after her blood and I know for certain that she didn't ask for clods like you guys to slow her down and show no moral support."

"You don't understand-"Garnet mumbled.

"No, I do!" Peridot bit her lip, fighting the urge to launch herself at the fusion. Garnet showed no emotion. "I know what I'm talking about because I was there! She found ME at the beginning with Pearl, I've been here longer than you, future vision or not!"

"Peridot, calm down, this is useless, Steven is DEAD, it's only a matter of time until she dies too... put it this way, at least if she loses, Homeworld will have some use with her or a sort." Amethyst mumbled.

"There is still a chance she survives however." Pearl piped up, rubbing an arm guiltily.

"WHO CARES?! Steven...he's gone and WE didn't even KNOW! His own MOTHER FIGURES!" Tears fell down Amethyst's face slowly.

"Well, at least his granddaughter decided to come FIND us!" Lapis retorted angrily, grasping a hold of Peridot's hand and together, they flew off into the sky as wings of water sprouted from the deep blue gem embedded within the blue gem's back. Peridot holding on, riding on the back of her friend as the two didn't dare turn around.

They left, searching desperately for their new found friend, Steven or not, they cared.

"Gems, draw out your weapons." Garnet finally spoke, gauntlets appearing around fists.

"Weapons?! You can't be serious." Amethyst stated. Pearl bit her lip.

"Amethyst, Garnet is right... but so are you... we won't force you to join us but... Lapis and Peridot are right, Steven or not we SHOULD care, that's what Steven would have wanted and that's one of the reasons the Crystal Gems came to be in the first place." She turned to face Garnet, nodding as her gemstone lit up, the familiar twisted blade of her spear protruding through as she reached for the handle to pull it out, returning her gaze to the leader afterwards. "I'm ready." She asserted herself.

Garnet looked at Amethyst as Pearl followed her gaze. "Amethyst?" The purple gem bit her lip in uncertainty, looking at anything or anyone BUT Garnet and Pearl, her former team mates.

"I..." She began, half-heartedly letting out a prolonging sigh. She looked at the fusion before her, guilt eating at her insides. "I'm not gonna go.' She announced, surprising the others.

"Amethyst? Are you sure?" Pearl asked, somewhat hurt by the decision the smaller gem had made. Amethyst turned away.

"Y-yeah... I'm sure...sorry I'm uh, grieving and all that junk." She rubbed her arms as she nodded, as if to back up what she was saying.

"You look conflicted." Garnet noted calmly.

"Well, YEAH! Steven is DEAD! And... I wanna help this... new different Steven but, I just don't know! Wouldn't Homeworld leave us alone if we gave that girl up or- AGHHHH" Amethyst groaned in a frustrated manner, pulling at her hair. "I know, I know. I sound like a Homeworld gem but...I struggled for so LONG to move on from the Crystal Gems....DECADES. And now that I have, you come back and build me up just to knock me over? It's like... you're toying with emotions that are already fragile!" Garnet placed a hand on Amethyst's shoulder in a comforting style.

"Amethyst, it's ok." She said quietly, allowing the gem to recollect herself. "It's going to be ok, trust me." She paused, grip tightening ever so slightly, "I have future vision." With that, Amethyst paused to contemplate her options.

She frowned slightly before biting her lip and looking up to meet gaze with (Y/n). "Alright then." She breathed, even if the action wasn't a requirement of her being, it composed her. "Let's go kick some homeworld ass." She announced, determination convincing her that she was about to fight a war, and if she was going to do that, live or die, it wouldn't be in vain, it would be for (Y/n), She raised a fist in the air, signalling that she was ready, turning around to follow behind the footsteps of the Universe descendant.

The remaining Crystal Gems followed in suit as they took off in a somewhat light hearted sprint, a chorus of hopeful cheers could be heard, ringing throughout the tense air.

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