Pearl x Lonely!Reader

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I tapped my fingers against the side of my leg nervously, the nice dress I wore swaying peacefully in the breeze.

The taxi I had just got out of had driven away, leaving me in front of the fanciest restaurant in Beach City.

It was fairly new and was booked out relatively quickly with expensive meals and quite nice furnishing from what I had been told.

The booking for tonight was planned over three months ago and I just couldn't wait.

I had organised this special occasion for my partner and I to enjoy, we had only been dating for a few months and I figured a date night would be cute.

And so I waited inside the venue, eyeing all the tables that were filled with chattering customers and families, all the while I kept an eye out for my boyfriend.

"Name please?" The attendee requested politely, grasping my attention.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, it's uh, under (y/n) (l/n)." I stated quickly.

"Not a problem Ms (l/n), kindly follow me and I'll lead you to your table, are you waiting for anyone in particular?" She asked as I nodded. "Would you like anything to drink or the menu or shall you wait?" She asked.

"Um, a bottle of water is all thanks." I smiled as the requested beverage was brought to me almost immediately.

"Just let me know when you'd like to order." She chirped, hurrying back to take over a coworker's post.

"Man I'm starved!" A raspy voice had called over, it was a little louder than the murmur of the venue and caught me off guard, causing me to find the source of the voice.

"Amethyst, you're always hungry." Another voice replied,
Slightly more nasally and higher in pitch but similar all the same.

The two voices belonged to two short girls, one purple and the other green in skin tone,
What looked like gem stones on their bodies. Beside them were more of the gem creatures that no one paid any attention to as if they were a part of the normal.

Beside the figures was a rather tall woman with black hair and shades on her face, who rested her hand on the shoulder of a slightly shorter figure, pale in skin tone with a smooth stone attached to her head.

A blue girl that resembles the pale girl in some ways stood lazily with a young boy in her arms.

"Do you have a reservation?" The attendee asked as the small supposed family shook their head. "The wait line is approximately 3 hours." I overheard, biting my lip in sympathy.

I glanced at my watch and sighed, he was late yet again, most likely he wasn't going to turn up for the date I had planned anyway.

He always struck out last minute and i was fed up with his non commitment. At that moment I heard the girl called Amethyst groan.

"That's forever! I can't wait that long, Peri will you do me the honours of ordering pizza."

"Oh no you don't!" The pale girl replied, "we're eating here if it kills us! For Steven!" She insisted as the small boy in the blue girl's arms opened his mouth to procrastinate.

That's when I stood up and waved my arms in the air like crazy. "Waitress!" I called, "let these people have my table, my partner hasn't come... nor do I think he will." I slumped my shoulders in slight disappointment as I smiled at the small boy.

Beside him the pale girl looked at me while frowning in disapproval, judging my non existing partner supposedly. I flushed red in embarrassment as I avoided the gaze of people who probably thought I was some loser loner who lied about my partner to not feel awkward.

I began packing my things as the pale girl walked out to me. "Oh my gosh honey, I'm so sorry I was late!" I stared in bewilderment as she sat down in front of me and gestured for me to do the same.

"Just play along, I'm Pearl. I didn't want you to feel bad or anything." Pearl smiled as she extended a hand.

"(Y/n), and thank you for doing that, you really didn't need to." I said.

Pearl waved a hand and brushed it off, "it's nothing but in all seriousness, you may want to reconsider your boyfriend- or girlfriend." She added hastily.

I nodded in agreement as Pearl began to delve into a conversation about self defence, we were both having lots of fun and in the end I had completely forgotten about my now ex.

The only time I remembered him was when he arrived late, so late that Pearl's other friends had already gotten a table.

I was about to break up with my boyfriend when Pearl accused him for not treating me right.

He asks her who she thought she was and all she did was punch him in the jaw and leave, my hand in hers as she invited me to sit with her family and friends.

That's where I learned about the crystals gems and all that magical business they got themselves up to.

But in the end I have to give it up for Pearl, if it weren't for her I would have been waiting for pizza at home while crying salty tears.

Who knows what would have happened otherwise?

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