Peridot x Reader (Pt 1)

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The first time I went bushwalking, I ended up lost.

It was quite late at night, 9 pm or so when (Y/n) had decided that it was the perfect time to experience a night time stroll. The sky was dark and filled with millions and billions of twinkling stars, each probably being there for millenniums to help guide sailors at sea with their intricate patterns and constellations. Tonight however, they acted as the street lights for (Y/n)'s path.

There were always stars on this side of Beach City. The furthest edge south was always peaceful, quite the distance from any of the other buildings that stood there. The nearest landmark being the old Demayos' barn and even that was a 2 hour drive in a fast car.

But none of that seemed to bother (Y/n) even in the slightest of ways. Yes it was very lonesome out where she lived but it was also peaceful. The 19 year old only sighed contently as she readjusted her small bag, the contents being those filled with food and water, she hadn't planned to stay out for long.

(Y/n) lost track of the time almost instantly despite of what she had planned, however, it didn't bother her like it would have bothered her mother were she there, so she continued to walk, creating her own little pathway in the bushland area behind her house.

She flicked a spider off of her shoulder, acting brave was the first step in being brave, she had reasoned, stepping through dry leaves that left a loud crunch as she walked. She pulled out her bottle of water before taking a small sip and replenishing the fresh feeling in her mouth.

Crickets were very annoying. That was a conclusion (Y/n) had come upon many years ago as a child whilst trying to sleep, the chirping sounds just never worked for her. "Stupid crickets, go shut the hell up!" she yelled. She looked around her in annoyance, noting that the familiar feeling in the back of her mind was loss. She was lost and she had no idea where to go.

Eventually as she walked deeper into the bush, the crickets had come to a dead silence but the girl hadn't noticed until the glow of what could have been a million green glow sticks came into view.

She raised an eyebrow in confusion before creeping upon the strange object. "What in the name of Uranus is going on?" she mumbled, pushing aside a spikey shrub to catch a better glimpse. She stood there in surprise.

It was green. That much was for certain, it was also a sphere shaped pod, at least (Y/n) decided it was. There was an ominous sort of glow surrounding the circumference of the foreign object that screamed 'KEEP AWAY, DANGER!'

Ignoring the threatening stance, (Y/n) concluded that the sphere before her was a type of spacecraft, noting the glass window in the side that revealed what looked like a control board. She grinned, if this was anything like the stuff in her old college, it would be extremely easy to hack the main data base and locate the departure coordinates.

"Let's see which lousy government dumped their trash on my property...Whom will I get to sue this time?" To a bystander, they would probably laugh and walk off as if (Y/n) had made a joke. This however was an understatement, the truth beheld, was that (Y/n) was the top student in technological studies in America, way back when she had lived there of course.

She never liked to boast about her gifts in the field although a few people had known of her small education time. Needless to say, (Y/n) hated it when someone learned that she graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with multiple degrees at just the age of 13.

Especially when whoever was told this information began to treat her like an entirely different species. ESPECIALLY when someone did that. In (Y/n)'s point of view, it was preposterous for someone to do so just because they had met a prodigy, deep down, she was still (Y/n).

Pulling out a small phone like device of her own invention, (Y/n) switched it on before loading up the HTML coding box. After a few commands and keys, which (Y/n) never explained, the small device opened an application within her phone.

(Y/n) stood silently behind the mysterious pod as her phone began to search for the geographical location the travelling device came from. A loading sign appeared before a 3 dimensional personally modelled image of the Earth appeared. The image began to zoom out, the size of the planet shrinking in size. "Oh boy... where's this hunk of metal from?" she asked herself.

She frowned when Earth shrunk to the size of a pea and the rest of the solar system came into view. "Have I miss calculated something?..." She wondered, eyeing the map as it continued to zoom out. The rest of the star maps and charts had been downloaded illegally from NASA, of course no harm was done so long as (Y/n) never told anyone.

"This... this can't be possible." She mumbled as a star she did not recognise came into view. She was astounded, astrology was a subject she was certainly familiar with and she knew practically all the well-known stars there was in the solar system. She could even list the ones surrounding the star that her phone focused on but frowned when realising that this star had never been listed on any files she had read. It was like it was born that second. The phone zoomed in on the planet before what looked like a slightly smaller version of Earth appeared with a different coloured pallet.

She stared interested as the now dwarf planet she decided to call, stayed fixed on screen. "Stupid technology." She mumbled, trying to find the glitch in her phone. Nothing. Everything was in full working order and it wasn't for five minutes later that she gave up and had to agree.

She bunched her hair up into a messy blob with her right hand, messing the locks up even further as she continued to pull, a habit she did whenever she was uncertain. "Why is it showing me this...this planet?!" She mumbled to herself. "Why would this come from there..." she eyed the pod, inspecting it closely. There was no brand names of sponsors let alone the world "NASA" anywhere.

Her eyes widened at the next possibility that popped into her mind.

Was it alien?

She took a few steps back while shaking her head. "No. It couldn't be, sure Mars is growing flowers with water and there's that planet Proxima B that we speculate looks like another Earth..." She went silent. "But we've NEVER heard of extra-terrestrial life forms!" Panic filled her mind which had completely forgotten about her 'act brave to start being brave' motto and took a few steps back until the space craft was visible completely.

"Oh, no." she said decidedly. "Science can explain this... it's probably a prank... but the coordinates..." she reminded herself. "They're NEVER wrong." She went silent, thinking logically about what to do.

Pulling out the pen she had brought with her, she clicked the top half and waited as it transformed into a lightsaber. She grinned, thanking her overly nerdy 7 year old self as she inched towards the pod, looking for an entrance. "I've seen all the alien movies and I know that logically I shouldn't sick around." She mumbled then paused. "But my heart is telling me that I SHOULD go in there...." She debated whether or not to listen to her heart or general knowledge, choosing her curiosity over fact.

"Well..." She began to reason with herself, "We wouldn't have all these cool stuff if people weren't curious..." she felt slightly better with her decision as she continued to search for a way in, lightsaber still in hand. "And even if curiosity killed the cat... plan B is that satisfaction brought it back right? And as a plan C... the cat has nine lives!"

With the plan of metaphorical back up in her mind, (Y/n) decided to penetrate the glass window, shattering it as a bitter groan echoed. She tensed up, peering inside to see a figure of a sort on the floor.

The heart in her rib cages began to beat incredibly fast, blood pumping almost so quickly she could hear it as it rushed to her head, the pulsing constantly in her chest. Tightly, she aimed the lightsaber towards what she believed to be the head of the form. She cleared her voice, uncertain if the thing was dead, asleep, unconscious or alive.

"Who are you?" (Y/n) called out, her eyes meeting in surprise with a pair of glowing ones.

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