Peridot x Reader (Pt 2)

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"The first time I met her, I peed my pants."

The thing on the floor stared straight into her eyes, if looks could kill, she'd have dropped to the floor and died again.

(Y/n) slowly inched her way towards it, cautious for any surprise attacks. Peering down at the mysterious figure who glared, she noted a black rope with purple spikes had it tied down. "Are you going to help or what?!" The thing rudely intercepted her thoughts, causing her to jump in surprise.

The voice was nasally and quite high in pitch but to (Y/n)'s observation it sounded rather feminine nonetheless. After closer inspection, (Y/n) deemed herself right, this was definitely a female. "Ahem?" She asked impatiently, looking as if (Y/n) were dumb.

(Y/n) paused, would she attack? The girl or whatever she was groaned again. If she helped whatever this girl thing was, it would be an automatic IOU, then and again, did aliens even know what IOUs were? She decided to test the waters.

"If I help you, what do you do in return for me?" She asked, retracting the lightsaber and pocketing it in her bag that still rested on her shoulders. The girl looked in surprise before frowning.

"Why should I do anything for you?" she asked snobbishly.

"Because I assume you want to stay stuck on the ground for quite some time." (Y/n) turned on her heel.

"No wait!" The voice called. (Y/n) watched as the girl struggled to make up her mind. "I'll...not kill you." She said desperately.

"Mmmm, not good enough." (Y/n) challenged, the girl's eyes widened.

"Not good enough? Spoiled human clods! Grr fine! I'll... oh I don't know!" she grumbled. She went silent as her head hit the floor in defeat. (Y/n) studied her closely.

"Ok then... what if you don't attack me and... give me an IOU?" (Y/n) asked. The girl lifted her head.

"I owe you?...Pfft no way will I, a higher being than you, give away my vulnerability even for ONE time." Sick of the annoying alien, (Y/n) stood up.

"Suit yourself but just remember, you aren't from here, you're from a planet- (Y/n) paused, "27 light years away that no scientist for some reason has located apart from me. If anyone finds you, you're dead. Got it?"

"Literally speaking or metaphorically?" the girl asked.

"I dunno... does chopping you up and locking you up and dissecting you sound like you're gonna live for long? If so, you may as well be driven into insanity." (Y/n) knew she had won, fear after all, directed strength- to a certain degree of course, (Y/n) didn't want the alien to think too harsh of her.

The alien went silent before releasing a tiresome sigh. "Alright." She said. "I won't kill you and I'll owe you something... now hurry up and take off these bindings!" she mumbled.

"Glad doing business with you." (Y/n) grinned, walking over to the figure. She fiddled around with what seemed to be a whip that had her pinned down. "If you don't mind me asking-"

"I do mind..." The girl interrupted, causing (Y/n) to frown.

"As I was saying," She paused, "who did this to you?"

"That is classified information." The alien replied.

"Ok then." (Y/n) said, finally breaking the knot that held her down. Soon after, the whip unravelled and fell to the floor while the alien girl managed to stand up. (Y/n) took a few steps back, obviously being intimidated by the grand height the alien stood at. Almost 6'2, at least a head taller than herself.

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