Peridot x Depressed!Reader

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(Y/n) P.O.V

The cold water touched my toes as the wind blew in my face, each gust felt like a knife slicing my raw skin.

The sand scratched at my bare arms, possessed by the life of the wind and tide. The skin protecting my body turning red with irritation.

I'm not someone special. I'm not anyone important. I'm not anyone at all.

I'm a no body.

Just a stupid person on the planet Earth with an existence so useless that nothing would change if I left.

That feeling. That dark feeling of hatred. The black ominous cloud of negativity that filled me to the brim and above, threatening to burst out of the gashes and cuts on my wrists.

It was there. It always had been. They knew it was there too.

There was no getting past future vision. Garnet was bound to know, telling me to stop, telling Steven to heal me.

They all worry over a petty thing like myself. Pearl freaking out and tensing up when ever I'm there and Amethyst feeling guilty for no apparent reason.

My black ominous cloud seems to rain over their heads when ever I come around.

There is only one gem who doesn't know. Whether she is just limited to human emotions or is just plain dumb when it comes to anatomy of the human body, it doesn't matter.

The less people worrying about me the better.

And they've asked. The crystal gems have pondered and asked me. Why do I feel this way? How can it be fixed?

My feelings are not a toy. They aren't a physical object you can tweak and fiddle.

They don't understand me. None of them. I don't understand. I don't see why I'm like this- I just am.

It's been this small part of me that over the years has grown larger- swallowing me whole, consuming every part of myself slowly until I have been fully possessed.

And the water that I mentioned earlier? Ever drop is like a problem to me. The ocean is my body and with every molecule of H2O, the problems grow bigger.

A drop turns into a puddle, that puddle becomes a pond which turns into a lake then a river and eventually an ocean.

It drowns out my thoughts most of the time, disabling me from connecting to the rest of the world, not letting me listen to the voices surrounding me.

The voices and sounds that belong to the one gem that can't possibly help me for her life depended on it.


Era 2, Facet 2F5L, cut 5XG .

The most useless, self-confident, stuck up, arrogant, cocksure, obnoxious, big headed, offensively self assertive, proud crystal gem when it comes to humans.

She sat beside me, while I was swarming with thoughts, her face clearly showed her annoyance with me and her short patience span shrinking before my eyes.

How long she was trying to gain my attention? Probably for as long as I had been thinking about my black cloud.

She attempted to grasp my attention once more, poking my arm and provoking my anger.

I quickly twisted my head towards her, my eyes squinting into a glare as my teeth were bared.

"What. Do. You. Want." I spat word for word. Peridot jumped at my sensitive tone, scared and surprised by how I had just acted, the tone being unexpected to her as her facial expressions suggested.

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