Pearl x Reader

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*Flash Back*

There once was a time where I never went outside.

I never left home, I never went to school, and I never spoke to anyone.

No one knew about my escapades for no one knew the things that lurked around my nightmarish mind. No one saw the pain and no one was there to ever ask if I was ok.

It was always the normal, typical, average day for any human being, my mom was in the kitchen making dinner like the good little house wife she was while my step father was out at his night job. My brother was in his room, trying his hardest to live up to the family name through school work while I, unlike him, hid.

I didn't like school. I still don't up until now. School, to me, was the least important, least beneficial and most dangerous thing in the world that someone could attend. I can't remember how long ago it was since I last went to school, probably...1? 2 years back then?

No one cared enough, no one was busy enough and everyone was doing their own thing in their own little way while I hid.

I had been asked many times before, why I never left my home and the truth is, I used to do so. But things never went as I had planned, somewhere, someone at my school hated me. They hated me so much that within the first days of grade 11, I was known as the "slut" the "dumb ass" and even the "gold digger".

After that I gave up, I quit school, dropped out without anyone finding out and retired to my bedroom in my "parents" overly priced mansion. There, I hid on the internet, spending hours upon hours drawing and sharing my artworks online.

And for once, I wasn't a "slut" but an "artist". I was "Amazing", "Creative" and "Wondrous". I felt important. I never heard the word "slut" again.

I felt, at peace within myself, for once in a very long time. Years it had been since I felt like I did, and for once, I didn't have to listen to anyone calling me "selfish".

But that only lasted temporarily.

"Selfish", my mother had called me when my biological father had passed and I had wanted to see him.

"Selfish", I was told by my brother when all I wanted was to hang out.

"Selfish" was what I heard from the girls who blamed me for the nothings I committed.

"Selfish", said the one person who was now a stranger towards me, my mother, whom stood beside my step father with a curtain of "spoiled rotten" washed and draped over her body, defending him as I claimed he was cruel.

"Selfish"- that word repeatedly called out as my step father slapped me, every slap stung more than the last. I still remember how he tried to scare me to death when I caught him having an affair, attempting at drowning out my voice with my own pain. Much to my dismay, it worked.

But that was the last time anyone said I was "selfish".

Because after that, I ran away. Away from the mansion that was never a home to me, away from the so called family I had, away from the life on the internet I had grown to love. I ran away. I took a bus, hours out of town.

I slept for so long, people assumed I was some homeless 16 year old who managed a bus fee. No one bothered me, or woke me up, that was until the bus reached its last stop at the bus shelter. The bus driver wasn't fairly happy with me, he kicked me out quite quickly, probably thinking I was some drunk teenager.

"Get lost kid." He had said, "Go home dumb ass." And with his words I realised that the internet was no longer there to comfort me. I was truly alone, homeless even. So I left the bus hastily, running into the middle of the boardwalk in the small town I was in. That was where I stopped and sat on the edge, thinking about the recent events as I stared into the endless sea.

Steven Universe Characters X Reader OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora