The Longest Time Ago ~ Crystal Gems x Reader ~ Finale (Pt 5)

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(Y/n) smiled in appreciation as she watched Lapis lovingly carry Peridot in her arms, the smaller gem resting peacefully with her legs loosely wrapped around the latter's waist, arms clinging lightly around her neck. Lapis held Peridot with one hand beneath her, the other supporting the head and running fingers through blonde, gravity defying locks. Peridot seemed to be asleep, either that or just resting her eyes with Lapis occasionally kissing the gem's forehead every so often.

"Are you guys a thing or something?" (Y/n) asked. Lapis smiled lightly.

"I like to think we have a strong bond...but nothing's ever been established, we just have a roommate agreement."

"No I mean relationship wise." (Y/n) explained. Lapis paused her words.

"Oh." She said, eyes shifting away uncomfortably, "I don't know, don't friends normally do this?" Lapis asked worriedly.

"Well yes but it just seemed that you may see Peridot in another way that's not friendship?"

"How would I know?" Lapis asked, Pearl took interest in their conversation.

"It feels like torture." She said bluntly, catching the two's attention, soft snores coming from the green gem.

"Well, that's one way to put it, where did you hear that from?" (Y/n) asked, folding her arms curiously. The pale gem bit her lip.

"I heard someone talk about it with your great grandmother." (Y/n) nodded as she returned to her conversation with Lapis.

"Am...I hurting Peridot?" She asked worriedly. "I don't feel like I'm being tortured..."

"'s like... you feel restless and incomplete without Peridot, and that feeling is something you can't bear." Pearl explained. "Not that I'd know, I've just witnessed things similar." She seemed to not want to talk more on the subject and instead ignored anything else that was said.

"Well..." Lapis began, "I DID feel something like that when I was away from Peridot for the first few years...but I think that feeling left me after so long of isolation." Lapis subconsciously kissing Peridot's hair again, causing (Y/n) to lift a brow.

"If that's the case then how do you feel about Peridot now that you've seen her in years?" (Y/n) asked. Lapis' face flushed as she cradled Peridot gently.

"I think I feel... somewhat bursting?" Lapis described. "Like something inside me can pop at any given moment... is this the torture?"

(Y/n) smiled, "That's the feeling of love." Lapis nodded in understanding, "The question is what KIND of love."

"There are different kinds?" Pearl perked up at Lapis' question, deciding to voice her opinion once more.

"Well yes, there is love like wanting to protect someone, love like family, love like friends and then, love like you're INlove with someone and you want to be with them forever and be affectionate and intimate, like a mate."

"Inlove." Lapis stated, "That sounds fitting." Peridot shifted in Lapis' arms, eyes blinking slowly as they scanned their surroundings.

"Oh hi Lazuli...are we there yet?" She yawned.

"No, we only just made it back to the warp pad." Lapis pointed out.

"Really? What took so long?"

"(Y/n) had to excrete."

"LAPIS!" (Y/n) exclaimed, face red with embarrassment.

"Now, now, there's nothing to be ashamed of! ALL humans excrete." Pearl said soothingly.

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