Peridot x Gem!Reader

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Yay an update! Here's a request from the lovely CrescentGem ! Thanks for being the first person to request in this book!!! 😊❤️ Other requests coming soon! Btw I'll try make this thing a daily update if not an every second day kind of thing - minimum once per week? I think that's a good start for now- anyways, enjoy!

3rd Person P.O.V

"Tell me a story Peridot." Steven demanded, waving his hands about in the air.

All the Crystal Gems were out for the day, leaving the boy to his own wandering, resulting in him visiting Peridot and Lapis at the barn.

The Gems had returned fairly quickly from their mission, simple in and out with a corrupted gem, nothing to hard of their expertise.

The Crystal Gems had made it in time for their friend's story, pressuring the gem into making sure it was a good one.

"Okay..." Peridot said slowly, "a story about what?"

"Hmm... HOMEWORLD!" Steven grinned.

"Oh uh..." Peridot looked at Garnet uncertainly, "Can I... can I tell-?"

"Sure, we would love to listen about what Homeworld's been up to lately." Garnet nodded, "Besides, while we chose to ditch Homeworld- it's still a major part of your life."

Peridot nodded, "Well, this story is about a gem friend I had-"

"You had FRIENDS?!" Amethyst joked.

"Friend," Peridot corrected the purple gem, "Just one, she was my partner for most of our tasks, her name was (y/n).

There weren't many (y/n) gems on homeworld so I was lucky to have even known one, and yet she always requested to complete missions and tasks with ME." Peridot placed emphasis on the word as if the very thought was impossible.

"And one day, we were offered a special mission from the Diamonds- to check on the Cluster." Peridot paused, bitting her lip.

"I told her to not come and to stay on Homeworld, looking after the Kindergarten we both ran.

Jasper was assigned to me after explaining that (y/n) would stay behind and so I came here."

"What happened to (y/n)?" Lapis asked.

"I don't know- I lost contact with homeworld after becoming a crystal gem."

"I'm really sorry Peridot- we didn't mean for you to lose a friend." Steven apologised.

"Don't worry about it." Peridot smiled sadly, "I have YOU guys!" The other Gems nodded in approval, Garnet the first to speak.

"It's a lovely story Peridot." She began, "But something tells me that this isn't the last we've heard of your friend."

Peridot frowned in confusion. "It isn't?" The green gem questioned, turning her head to see Lapis beside her, the blue gem had been quiet the entirety of the story.

"I see a future where she comes to Earth-" such coincidences usually never happened and it was considered impossible if done so, but Garnet's words were cut off from a loud ship, similar to the Red Eye the Rubies had come in.

The group scattered like marbles, dashing madly as the Yellow ship landed and a small doorway opened, allowing a figure, slightly taller than Peridot, to exit.

The figure had (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, matching the strange, (f/c) suit she wore, a short skirt attached to the waist and running down to just above the knees where the rest of her suit followed to her flat shoes.

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