Gem Human AU

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Still working on other requests- but I saw this on Tumblr/ Instagram and just HAD to write a story bout it!

3rd Person P.O.V

The control room was fairly empty, surprisingly for a room that's for 'control' but Yellow Pearl was used to it.

She'd been in the very room literally millions of times before and today was no different- except for the fact that SHE was first in command for this special task her Diamond had set for her.

She marched with all the pride a pearl like herself could hold, around the two Peridots she had been given to work with.

"Listen up!" She barked, "Yellow Diamond has placed ME in charge of the newest weaponry we have." She beamed brightly as one of the Peridots rolled their eyes.

"Who placed her in charge?" They murmured to their partner.

"Yellow Diamond?" The other said.

"Ugh..." they both wanted to poof right then and there to avoid the yellow gem's annoying voice as she pursued her rant for her Diamond.

"Now! Where was I?" The Yellow Pearl paused.

"Um... you were going to signal for us to send the new weapon to Earth?"  Pearl clicked her tongue.

"Oh yes! Now, ready yourselves Gems-" she giggled slightly in excitement, "Tell your crew to launch the missile in T minus 10!"

The Peridots sent messages to the crew on earth, thousands of light years away who were waiting for the signal.

"Why is it taking so long?" A  carnelian complained, eyes rolling.

"It's the pearl." A Peridot said with disgust. "Apparently Yellow Diamond instructed HER to be head in command instead of a Peridot!" The statement was said in offence, "I mean, a PEARL instead of a PERIDOT?! What next? A Diamond turning into a Crystal Gem?"

The rest of the crew snickered at the Peridot's outburst as a small beep sound echoed the room.

"The signal!" The Peridot cackled, a floating green digit pressing the red button beneath her finger easily. "Finally we can say good riddance to those Crystal Germs!"

The crew gathered around the dashboard of their parked ship, watching as the missile of light energy aimed straight for their target.

The Gems hardly expected anything to happen, all of which were busy preparing for one of Steven's new beach sports he picked up on from his father.

But the light hit them directly, surprising the three gems as they were thrown backwards from their places, searching frantically for the source.

It wasn't until the sand clouds cleared that the Crystal Gems and the Homeworld ship saw eye to eye, no longer being camouflaged into the earth setting.

"GEMS!" Garnet yelled, gauntlets on hand as Pear produced her spear from her... well pearl. amethyst sighed, obviously annoyed before producing two whips from her own gem.

The homeworld crew looked at the rebels flabbergasted. "Well? Did it work? Are they shattered?" Came Yellow Pearl's annoying voice over the intercom.

"N-no!" The Carnelian stuttered amazed and slightly worried.


"They- THEY SURVIVED!" The Peridot who launched the missile squeaked.


There was barley time to fight, with Steven rushing outside after viewing the attack from the temple, Connie, Lapis and Peridot each stood in fighting position.

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