Peridot x Reader (Pt 5)

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"The first time my heart broke, Peridot was there when I was drunk"

(Y/n) awoke the next morning to find that almost everything was normal. Almost. She entered the living room, sleepily yawning before she eyed her current guest from the night before. "Oh, you're awake." Peridot's voice called.

"Yes, I am." (Y/n) agreed.

"Do humans always take this long to replenish their energy?" Peridot asked, (Y/n) paused.

"Yes, we do because unlike you, we are organic." Peridot wrinkled her nose.

"Your primitive communication brick just rang, it was annoying me greatly so I-"

"Please say you didn't break it." (Y/n) pleaded, expecting the worst.

"No I'm not stupid to touch your things like that, I cancelled the call." She replied, surprisingly (Y/n).

"I'm sorry I must still be asleep... you know how to use my iPhone 1000?" Peridot nodded.

"While you retreated to your chamber I researched information about humans." She explained. (Y/n) nodded quietly before grabbing a juice box from the fridge. "You humans are so unfortunate to have to replenish your bodily fluids." Peridot said. (Y/n) gave her a look.

"You gems are so unfortunate to have no purpose with food or drinks." (Y/n) mimicked, setting the half empty box down, "Really, it's just depressing, you have no idea what you're missing out on... can you even eat and drink? Is it only unnecessary but you can still do it?"

Peridot shifted uncomfortably. "Era 1 Peridots can do so, it has been unknown for Era 2 and impossible for Era 3." She stated, almost sadly.

"But how is it that Era 1 Peridots can? And not the other Eras?" (Y/n) asked. Peridot turned away.

"It's complicated." (Y/n) understood that Peridot didn't want to talk about the topic anymore so she let her be, returning back to the juice box she had opened. Peridot froze before tapping (Y/n) on the shoulder. (Y/n) turned and smiled.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Your communication brick is ringing again." (Y/n) jumped in surprise at the sudden cell phone ring tone she hadn't heard until moment's notice. She faced Peridot.

"Thanks." Was all she said as she stood up to retrieve her phone. The screen was lit up, indicating that a text message had passed through. She unlocked her screen and sat down directly next to Peridot who had ripped her attention away from her holographic tablet to watch the iPhone. "Oh, it's my boyfriend." She exclaimed.

"Boyfriend?" Peridot asked, "What's a 'boyfriend'? Is he simply a male human whom is a friend?" she guess. (Y/n) giggled.

"Well, it CAN mean that, but in this instance I refer to him as my partner...uh but boyfriends and girlfriends are usually a step in romantic relationships before marriage, husband and wife...of wife and wife...or husband and husband...whatever fit's the person's fancy." (Y/n) shrugged.

"So your boyfriend has...messaged you?" Peridot asked.

"Yeah, he texted me." (Y/n) rephrased, scrolling down to the most recent text she had received. Peridot watched as the giddy smile on (Y/n)'s face turned into a small frown.

"You appear distraught with the text he has sent you." She observed, watching (Y/n) fiddle with her gadget.

"This can't be happening..." (Y/n) mumbled.

"What can't be happening? Because whatever it is, it's happening." Peridot said.

"Look at this," (Y/n) showed the screen towards the alien, quickly pulling away after registering what she had said. "Wait, why do I even trust you? I only met you yesterday night and even then you were trying to kill me!"

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