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A/N - This is the Fall of Sienna.

Things between Maxine and Mia were extremely tense. Maxine blamed Mia for her and Patrick splitting up temporarily.

Patrick had gone back to Maxine when he realised he couldn't be with Mia. No one would approve.

When Mia woke that morning, she saw her phone and noticed a text:

We need to talk about the salon - P xx
We've nothing to say. You chose her over me - M.
No one would approve. Don't be selfish - P

Mia didn't reply. She didn't think she was being selfish. She happened to think she was being reasonable in what she wanted.

It was Sienna and Darren's engagement party that evening. Mia knew Patrick would be attending which was making Mia anxious. She hadn't seen him since he ended things between them.

Mia went to the salon. Belle was there. "Morning."


Belle could tell that Mia was unhappy. She didn't want to say anything. "Patrick is in the office."

"He can go swivel. I hate him," Mia said. She knew she didn't hate him. She loved him but from now on, she was going to play hard to get.

Eventually Mia went into the office. Patrick was sitting at her desk. "Can you move? That's my desk you're sitting at."

"My money paid for the desk."

Mia rolled her eyes. "I don't know if you remember but that desk broke. I bought a new one," she said.

Patrick walked out the office and zipped up his trousers. Mia came out a few minutes later. Belle smiled. "Anything to say?"

Mia groaned. "It shouldn't have happened. He turned me on and I couldn't resist."


Mia went to get ready for the party. She curled her hair and got her dress on. She did her make up.

Belle was going too. Mia smiled. "Ooo look at you."

"Why thank you."

They went to the pub. Sienna was standing with Darren. Sophie walked over. Her bump was evident. "We're having a little boy!"

Mia smiled slightly. She hugged her sister. "Has the father of the bride turned up?" She asked.


Mia and Belle were drinking. Mia was on orange juice which people found weird but she told them she had been taking headache pills.

Suddenly Jack got everyone's attention. Mia looked up. She downed. Her drink. "First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight. And to have a go at you for drinking too much bubbly. I did put a load of bottles on the side there to be flashy. I didn't think you'd actually drink them all," Darren said.

Everyone laughed. Mia rolled her eyes. Darren continued. "Most importantly, I'd like to thank Sienna. My beautiful Sienna. Not only has she been an amazing rock to my family. She's also amazing with the kids and doing a fantastic job at keeping the littlest warm. I'm totally blown away by the fact that one day soon, she'll be my wife," he said. He kissed her again. "When I originally proposed to Sienna I didn't have a ring. So excuse me for this lovey dovey moment. There's something I have to do."

Mia couldn't believe how cheesy it was getting. "Sienna Blake. Will you marry me?"


Everyone clapped when they kissed. Mia noticed Nancy. "Nancy, what you doing?" Darren asked.

Nancy glared at Sienna. "You know I thought I knew what you were capable of. Just how low you could go. But.."

"This isn't the time okay?"

"Isn't it?" Nancy said. She turned and brought Tom Cunningham in.

Mia didn't want to believe that someone she had grown up with was capable of locking up a boy.

Suddenly Nancy went for Sienna and ripped her top. There was a fake baby bump. "She's not pregnant. And she never was."

Mia was shocked. She grabbed her phone and text Patrick.

You need to be here. Sienna is in trouble -M

When she sent the text, she went over to Sophie. "Are you alright?"

"M-My best friend locked up a little boy in a basement. I didn't think she would ever do that. She always talked about how she loved children," Sophie mumbled.

"I'll get Freddie to take you home," Mia said. She text him.

Mia went home with Belle. They were both in shock. Mia tried to call Patrick. He didn't answer.

The next morning.

Mia woke to someone getting into bed with her. She saw Patrick. "What's happened?" Mia asked.

"Sienna has been arrested."

Mia was shocked. She didn't know what to say or do. Mia felt Patrick taking off her pants. She didn't try to stop him. She didn't stop him when he pushed in. Mia kissed him passionately.

Mia knew things were going to become complicated for her and Patrick. Especially when it was revealed she was pregnant. But what could she do?

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