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It was Mia's birthday. She couldn't believe she was finally out of her teens. She was finally twenty.

When Mia woke that morning, she went into the living room. She saw the birthday gifts she had.

Mia jumped a mile when she felt a pair of hands snake around her waist. "Aren't you a lucky girl?"
Mia turned to see Patrick. "I believe I am."
Patrick began kissing her neck. "Happy birthday beautiful."
Mia grinned and tilted her neck to give him better access to kiss her neck. "I believe you're the beautiful birthday girl."

Patrick made Mia go back into bed. He was making her breakfast. Mia cuddled under the duvet.
Patrick walked in and handed Mia her tray of breakfast. "Yummy."

Patrick climbed into bed and pulled Mia close."What are you doing tonight?" He asked as he kissed her neck.
"Party. Mum's invited you and Maxine."
Patrick sighed. "I'll have to see. I'm not in the mood considering my daughter is in a mental health ward."
Mia put down her breakfast tray. She looked at Patrick and kissed him. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Patrick mumbled. He kissed her passionately. Mia kissed back. 

Mia straddled him and Patrick smiled. Mia took his mind off Sienna but at the same time, he felt guilty. Mia kissed him and Patrick rubbed her thighs.
"Mmm, baby," Mia mumbled against his lips. Patrick grinned widely.

Mia got Patrick ready and pushed him into her. She grinned. Patrick held her hips as they had sex. Mia loved being with him. He made her smile and feel special.

When they both climaxed, Mia grinned. "That's been my favourite present so far," she said.
"Good. Plenty more to come."
Patrick grinned and kissed her. Mia kissed back. Patrick rolled her off him so he could hold her properly. Mia smiled as he held her close.

They eventually got up and went to the shower. Patrick kissed her passionately in the shower. Mia kissed back. She needed him again.
"Can my old man go again?" Mia teased.
"Old? I'll show you old."
Mia smirked and felt him push in. Mia gripped his shoulders. "Damn."
"You think I'm old?"

When they finished, they went into the living room. Mia sat by her presents and grinned. "Wonder what I've got," she said.

Mia began to open her presents. Patrick kissed her neck as she opened them. She got clothes, chocolate, makeup, money and jewellery.

Mia opened Patrick's present and smiled. Patrick got her a charm bracelet. One of the charms was a 'P'. She kissed him.
"Thank you," she said.
"You're welcome."
He put it on her wrist and kissed her hand.
Mia smiled. "I love this and I love you."
"Good. That's good."
Mia giggled and kissed him.

Mia walked over to the salon. Belle was there. "Morning."
"Happy birthday. Sorry I wasn't there when you woke. Patrick asked me to make myself scarce," she said.
Mia smiled. "Don't worry."
Belle gave Mia another present. Mia smiled. It was a voucher for a spa day.
"You've already got me so much," Mia said. Belle smiled.
"It's just a little extra," Belle told her. Mia hugged her tightly.

Belle and Mia began to work. Mia was doing nails. When she had a free slot she called Belle over.
"Let me do your nails too," Mia said. Belle smiled and nodded.
Mia did Belle's nails. She smiled. "Fabulous. Just in time for my party."
"Is Patrick going?"
Mia nodded. "Yeah. He said he'll try. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't. All this stuff with Sienna," she said.

Patrick walked into the flat. Maxine smiled. "We've been invited to Mia's party tonight. I thought it would be good to go."
"Yeah," Patrick mumbled. Maxine smiled at him and kissed him. Patrick kissed back slightly but not much. He wanted it to be Mia.

Maxine went to get ready for the party. Patrick sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He knew it would be difficult to keep his hands off Mia.

Mia and Belle went to get ready for the party. Belle curled Mia's hair. She smiled.
"Thanks Belle," Mia said.
"No problem."
Mia got her dress on. It was a fancy dress party. She was going as a sexy princess. "Birthday beautiful princess."
"Why thank you," Mia replied.

Belle was going to the party as a sexy cat. Mia smiled. "That's so sexy."
"Thanks. Not as sexy as yours," Belle said.

The girls walked over to the club. "It's going to be damn hard to not touch Patrick."
Belle smiled. "Same with Dirk."
"Well, Cindy isn't able to make it," Mia said. Belle grinned knowing she could get Dirk.

They got inside. People were already there. Dirk went over to Belle.
"B-Belle... you look..."
"Sexy, Dirk. That's the word you're looking for. Have fun," Mia said with a wink. She walked off.

Mia went further into the crowds and seen Maxine and Patrick coming over. Patrick couldn't stop staring at Mia.
"Mia, you look.... Lovely," Maxine said.
"Thanks. So do you."
Maxine smiled and walked off to get a drink.

Patrick looked at Mia. "Aren't you cold?" He asked.
"Nope. I feel quite warm."
Mia could see that Patrick was turned on. She stood on her tiptoes to his ear.
"You love it though... clearly," she whispered seductively. She grinned at him.

Mia walked around to greet other guests when Maxine went back over to Patrick. She smirked when she seen Dirk and Belle making out. Dirk had undone the zip and had his hands in the suit. She giggled and walked over to get another drink.
Patrick was looking at Mia. "What was Mia whispering?" Maxine asked.
"She said she's sorry for Sienna."
Maxine nodded. "It's slightly rude isn't it?"

Mia was sitting with her sister. "Bet you're excited for little man."
"Yeah. The nursery is all done ready for him. We're naming him Kaiden," Sophie said.
Sophie smiled and rubbed her bump as she felt a pain in it.
"You okay?" Mia asked.
"F-Fine," Sophie mumbled. She groaned as her water broke. Mia seen it and swore.

Mia got most people to clear out of the party. Belle ran over with Dirk. Maxine and Patrick were there too. The men laid Sophie gently on the ground. Dirk handed Mia his jacket to place under Sophie's bottom half.

Mia smiled at her sister. "You, can do this. I want my nephew out today."
"Shut up."
Mia giggled. She allowed Sophie to squeeze her hand.

After a good two hours, Sophie had delivered the baby. It was a little boy. "Happy birthday Mia. Meet your nephew," Freddie said.
Mia giggled. "He's so cute."

Kaiden yawned in Mia's arms. Patrick had given his jacket for Kaiden to be wrapped up in. She wrapped him up and kissed his forehead.
"He's beautiful," she said.

Sophie let Belle hold him. Belle smiled at him. Dirk knew she wanted one and he wanted to be the one to give her it. As Kaiden got held by everyone, Mia went silent. Her period was late.

Mia didn't know what to say. She handing Kaiden back to her sister and quickly walked out.

Belle followed her. "Woah! What's wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
Belle sighed. "The birthday girl doesn't get upset. Birthday girl talks."
"My period is extremely late," Mia mumbled. Belle sighed and hugged her.
"Don't worry," Belle whispered. Mia nodded. She knew she would worry. She would do nothing but worry.

Freddie took Sophie and Kaiden to the hospital. Dirk smiled at Belle.
"You want one?" Dirk asked.
Belle grinned and nodded. "Yeah. I'd like one some day."
Dirk smiled. "Babies are cute."
"They are indeed."

Mia took off her dress at home and grabbed her dressing gown. She sat on the sofa and sighed.

Patrick told Maxine he was going to visit Sienna. In truth, he was going to see Mia.

Mia was starting to fall asleep when the door opened. She thought it was belle so she didn't bother to get up.

Patrick smiled and sat beside her on the sofa. Mia shot up.
"Patrick?" Mia asked. Patrick kissed her.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yeah just tired."
Patrick nodded and kissed her. "Well, we could always head to bed."
"You'll need to go back to Maxine. She'll be worrying about you," Mia mumbled.
Patrick sighed. "I'm yours up until 5am."

Mia stood and went to her bedroom. She slammed the door. "I'm always the one on a time limit!" She yelled.
Patrick sighed. He went to her bedroom and opened the door.
"Fine, I'll stay," he said. Mia nodded. "I'll stay for as long as you want me to."

Patrick kissed Mia and laid her on the bed. He opened her dressing down and grinned.
"You've got a beautiful body," Patrick told her. Mia smiled as he ran his hands up and down her body.
Patrick kissed her again. "I'll tell Maxine I stayed with Sienna."

Mia knew she would need to tell someone else about being pregnant. She just didn't know how.

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