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Keeping a Pregnancy hidden was getting harder for Mia. She didn't know how she had gone four months without anyone knowing. She knew someone would find out soon.

Mia woke that morning and she felt a little sick. She got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She threw up.

Mia walked downstairs and groaned. She grabbed her phone and text Patrick.

I do believe you owe me dinner - Mia xx
Well we could go away this weekend - Patrick xx
Ooo! Very nice - Mia xx

Mia smiled at the effort Patrick was making. She knew things would more than likely change when she told him she was pregnant.

Mia walked over to the salon. Maxine was there. "Can I help you?" Mia asked.

"Patrick told me to come and treat myself before the wedding. He wants me to look my best," Maxine said.

Mia just nodded. She knew Patrick was getting married and also knew that their affair would end when he eventually married Maxine.

When Maxine had gone, Mia walked into her office. She tried to not cry. She didn't want to let Patrick go. It hurt too much.

The door opened and Belle walked in. "You okay?"

"He's getting married and I'm knocked up," Mia mumbled.

Belle sighed. "You need to tell him. It's not good if you're a single mum," she said.

Mia shrugged. "I'll have to manage as best I can. I don't care," she mumbled.

Belle could see how much Mia was struggling with knowing Patrick was getting married. She went over and hugged her best friend. "I know it's all confusing. But it'll work out," she said.

Mia went to see her nephew. She loved spending time with him. She walked in. "Kaiden was sitting in his bouncer. Sophie came out and hugged her little sister. "How's it going?" She asked as she watched Mia pick up her son.

"Can't complain. Morning sickness can be a bitch," Mia said. She kissed Kaiden's head. "Aunty MiMi loves you little man."

Sophie smiled. "Have you made your mind up what you're doing yet?"

"Honestly? I don't have a clue. I'm guessing I'm twelve weeks," Mia mumbled.

Sophie looked at her little sister. She knew how conflicted she was feeling. "It'll be alright. I promise."

Mia walked back to the salon. Spending time with her nephew made her love her little baby even more. She couldn't make her mind if she wanted an abortion or to keep the baby.

Belle smiled. "How's Kaiden?" She asked.

"He's fine. Looks more like Freddie everyday," Mia said.

Belle laughed. "Bless."

When the salon had closed, Mia walked back to the flat. She walked in and saw a letter on the floor. She picked it up and frowned.

I know you're pregnant with his baby. Have an abortion or your dirty little secret will be told to all!

Mia paled. She couldn't believe that someone knew about her being pregnant. She had to think about who could possibly know. There was a long list of people who could have found out. But who?

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