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Mia woke and rolled over. She had an empty bed yet again. She knew Patrick was with Maxine due to them getting married. Mia was highly annoyed at the fact she was just his bit on the side.

When Mia went downstairs, she saw Patrick sitting on the sofa. Mia covered up herself up. She only had one a shirt and her pants. "Oh. How did you get in here?" She asked as she went to make some coffee.
"Well, I have a key," Patrick said. Mia nodded and sat down beside him with a cup of coffee.

Patrick smiled at her.
"You okay?" he asked.
Mia sighed. "I missed you beside me."
"I missed you too. Maxine just isn't the same and-"
"I don't want to hear about you and Maxine," Mia interrupted.
Patrick sighed. "Mia, understand. She's my fiancé."
"Yeah. I'm just your bit on the side. I get it," Mia said.

Mia walked upstairs and into the bedroom. She saw the baby gro on the bed. She quickly hid it knowing Patrick would follow her.

While Mia got dressed, Patrick walked in. "I love you," Patrick said.
"Then show me that!"
"You know I can't leave Maxine."
Mia scoffed. "Get stuffed then."

Mia hated how Patrick was still with Maxine. But she also knew that Patrick did love her.

Patrick wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"I'm sorry baby. I love you," Patrick told her. He began to kiss her neck gently.
Mia pouted slightly knowing Patrick had a way to get to her. She tilted her neck to allow him better access. Patrick smirked.

Patrick turned Mia in hs arms and laid her down on the bed. Patrick smirked and kissed her chest. Mia bit her lip.

Mia pulled away from Patrick. "Does Maxine know you're here?"
"Of course she doesn't."
Mia nodded. She didn't say much. She let him kiss her body.
"Will she ever know?" Mia asked. Patrick didn't reply. Instead, he kissed down her body and began to strip her.

Mia's thoughts were no longer on Patrick's wrongs, but his rights. She wanted more of him.
"C-Condoms on the side," Mia said. Patrick opened the top drawer at her bedside table and pulled out a condom.
Patrick got the condom and handed it to Mia. "Do your favourite thing."
Mia just put the condom on. She didn't feel up to it.

When Patrick was ready, he pushed into Mia. Mia moaned loudly. "Damn."
"See, I knew I could win you round," Patrick said with a smirk.
"Y-You haven't won me round," Mia mumbled.
"Yes I have. If I hadn't, you wouldn't let me have sex with you," Patrick said. Mia felt his weight begin to lean down on her. She immediately thought of her baby and flipped them.

Patrick was shocked.
"My turn to be on top," Mia said. Patrick smiled. He loved Mia being on top. Mia was hoping he wouldn't guess about the baby.

Mia began grinding causing Patrick to moan. Mia grinned and kissed him. "You've changed your tune suddenly," he said.
"Yeah well. When you've gone a long time without sex then you'll know what I'm talking about," Mia said.

Mia could tell she was close. She needed to get it over and done with before she threw up. Patrick could tell Mia wasn't looking the best.
"Want to stop?" Patrick asked. Mia shook her head.
"Nope. I'm nearly there."

Patrick took over and Mia placed her hands on his chest. Eventually they both climaxed. Mia got off Patrick and put her clothes on.
"What's the hurry?" Patrick asked, peeling off the condom.
Mia smiled. "I've got to open the salon haven't I?"
"Well then."

Mia went back downstairs. She looked at Patrick and smiled. "I might call you again later."
"You little minx."
Mia grinned. "Go to work."
Patrick kissed her and left for work. Mia got herself sorted and ready. She went to the salon.

When Mia got inside she began to get the salon ready for the customers. Her phone buzzed.
"Love you gorgeous. Have a good day at work - Patrick xx"
Mia rolled her eyes. She didn't reply. An elderly woman walked in. "I'd like my hair done."
"Follow me."

Mia took the woman over to the hair. The woman looked at her. "How far gone?"
"Pregnancy. I can tell you're pregnant."
Mia smiled. "Just a month or two."
"Well, he's a very lucky man."

Mia found comfort in the woman. She began to tell her about Patrick. She didn't mention name or leave hints. No one would have known it was Patrick she was talking about.
"My advice would be to be firm with him," the woman suggested.
Mia nodded. She smiled and thanked the woman. She gave her a discount.

Maxine walked into the salon with Sienna. Sienna had just been released from the Physicatric ward. Mia smiled at her. "Welcome back."
"Thank you."

Mia looked at Maxine. "Can I help you?"
"We would like our hair done," Maxine said.
"Sure," Mia said. She took them over to two chairs.

Maxine and Sienna began to talk to each other about the wedding. Mia tried not to get annoyed. She didn't want to give anything away.

Maxine looked at Mia in the mirror.
"Would you do our wedding hair?" Maxine asked.
Mia shrugged. "Maybe."
"Thank you."
Mia rolled her eyes. She didn't say anything.

Patrick walked past. He saw Mia standing by Maxine. He quickly went inside and smirked. Patrick took Mia into the office. "I want you now."
"Your fiancé and daughter are there."
"Part of the risk."
Mia didn't know. Patrick seen. He laughed.
"And you say I'm ashamed of it?" Patrick asked.

Mia pushed him gently against the office door and made out with him. She locked the door.
"Fine. A quickie and that's all you're getting," Mia said. Patrick grinned and nodded.
Patrick started kissing Mia. She kissed back passionately. "You're so amazing."

Mia was put on the desk. Patrick smirked. "You're a vicious minx."
"Yeah. I know."
Mia knew her heart wasn't in the sex and so did Patrick.
"What's wrong?" Patrick asked.
"Just trying to be quiet," Mia said.

Patrick and Mia began to have sex. Patrick kissed her neck. Mia moaned into his shoulder.
When they both climaxed, Mia looked at him. She smiled slightly and kissed him. They were both unaware that Sienna had seen everything.

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