Jealous of what?-Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N sat in Lydia's lake house between Liam and Stiles. She was Scott McCall's younger sister and the same age as Liam so they're very close, bonding over being the youngest. That ticking Stiles off who has had a crush on the younger girl forever he even tried to cover his crush by saying he likes Lydia.

"Hey Y/N I wanted to know if you would like to come over tomorrow and play video games." Liam asks smiling which ticked Stiles off that Liam was with her a lot more than she was with him

"Can you guys discuss your little date later we are trying to come up with a plan?!" Stiles snaps

"It's wasn't meant to sound like a date." mutters Liam now looking embarrassed

"It's okay Liam, I just need to talk to Stiles real quick." Y/N says grabbing Stiles wrist dragging him to the kitchen

"What is your deal?" Y/N asks annoyed since he was always rude if she and Liam were talking. Always finding some way to embarrass them both.

"Deal? There's no deal." Stiles says nervously knowing he was caught

"Yes, there is! All week you have been doing this sort of thing. Like when Liam asked me to help him study you told us we could discuss our make out plans later!" She exclaimed annoyed with him

"Look okay I only do that because I'm.......jealous." says Stiles confusing the girl

"Jealous of what?" Y/N asks

"Jealous of you and Liam always hanging out. I like you like a lot. So when I see you guys talking it makes me jealous of him." admits Stiles

"You like me?" Y/N asks shocked

"Yeah, and I'm sorry if you don't like me I just needed to tell you before I club Liam to death. I really really like you I understand if you don't like me back. I mean why would someone as pretty and perfect as you like me-" Stiles rambles but stops when Y/N cuts him off with a kiss.

Which he immediately responses pulling Y/N closer to deepen the kiss. Pulling back each other's foreheads rested against one another.

"I like you too a lot ." Y/N whispers

"Finally!" yells Scott from the living room making them laugh at him


If you could bring back any character from past seasons of TW who would you bring back?

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