Liam+Theo (Requested)

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Requested by @nathan-scott

Josselyn stands in front of her boyfriend before a lacrosse game smiling at him.

"You'll do great." Josselyn says trying to calm down her nervous boyfriend

"You think?" He questions still worried

"Babe, I know. You're an amazing lacrosse player, you'll do great." Josselyn answers making him smile

"Thanks, babe, this is why I love you." Liam says smiling before he kisses her

"Love ya too babe, now get your butt on the field and kill them." Josselyn says making Liam laugh before he jogs to where Coach is yelling at the team

Josselyn then heads up to the bleachers to see Theo sitting next to Mason. She smiles as she sits down between Mason and Theo. Mason is currently making out with Corey.

"Hey, Josselyn." says Theo smiling at you

Theo and Liam are actually pretty good friends now. Theo and Josselyn are kind of friends.

"Hey, Theo. Are you excited for the big game tonight?" says Josselyn

"Yeah, I think we're going to kill them." says Theo

"Definitely." says Josselyn smiling

It was now after the game and Theo stood outside the school. He is actually wanting for Liam Dunbar his friend but all he can seem to do is stare at his friend's girlfriend. She's beautiful with her gorgeous dark hair and stunning eyes. She currently stood with Malia and Lydia laughing about something.

She looks so pretty right now. Theo thinks smiling watching Josselyn

Theo watches smiling until a voice interrupts him.

"Why are you staring at MY girlfriend?" asks Liam somewhat angrily

"I, uh, wasn't, I was just waiting to congratulate you." lies Theo

"Then why did your heart beat just rise?" questions Liam taking a step closer to Theo

"Okay, I didn't want to tell you this because you're my closest friend. But I have feelings for Josselyn." answers Theo then Liam punches him right in the jaw

"What the hell man? It's not like I'm gonna ask her out." says Theo angrily

"I don't care you still like her. Some friend you are." says Liam before punching Theo again this time right on his left cheek

Liam then goes for Theo but Theo pushes him back. That's when Josselyn comes running to the boys.

"Stop it." She says getting between

"What are you doing? You guys are friends!" Josselyn says confused to why the boys are trying to kill each other

"He likes you." says Liam angrily pointing at Theo

Theo instantly looks down somewhat ashamed that he had feelings for his friend's girlfriend and embarrassed the girl he likes now knows of his feelings.

"What?" Josselyn questions shocked

"I like you." says Theo looking up and into Josselyn's eyes nervously

There was really only two ways this could go she either is going to slap me or kiss me. Thinks Theo

"So who's it going to be Josselyn; Theo or me?" questions, Liam

"I...uh, I can't do this. I can't break up your guy's friendship. I guess I chose neither...I'm sorry." says Josselyn looking down before rushing away with both boys watching after her

I guess I was wrong...she could also do that. thinks Theo

Josselyn laid in bed thinking of Theo and Liam.

Liam was her boyfriend and she was once in love with him. But lately, the sparks seemed to disappear. Theo, on the other hand, is obviously attractive to her and before Liam and she got together she'll admit she had a small crush on him. But she couldn't pick either of them, she couldn't ruin their friendship. Liam is Theo's closest friend and he needs a friend after everything that has happened to him.

Josselyn walks into school the next day tired of everything to see Liam and Hayden kissing. Josselyn walks over them a little angry.

Hayden is one of Josselyn's close friend and here she is kissing Liam the day after they break up.

"Are you serious, Hayden?" Josselyn asks angrily making Liam and her turn to look at Josselyn shocked

"Joss, it's not what it looks like." says Hayden

"Oh, so you aren't kissing Liam who is my now ex-boyfriend and has only been for a day?" Josselyn questions annoyed before walking away

Liam follows after Josselyn wanting to explain himself.

"Look, Josselyn, I'm sorry you saw that." He says as Josselyn stands at his locker

"It's okay, Liam, we aren't together anymore. I just want to know why you would kiss someone's who's my friend?" says Josselyn looking at him

"I think you sort of know our relationship near the end was falling apart. We just bored of each other and that's okay. When we did I start to feel something for Hayden....Are you mad?" says Liam

"No, because I think you're right. We just aren't right for each other. I still want to be friends." says Josselyn giving him a small smile

"I would like that." says Liam smiling

"So..when are you going to ask out Theo?" asks Liam as you guys walk to class together

"What?" Josselyn asks startled he would ask that causing her to blush making Liam chuckle

"Joss, I know you like him. Just ask him out, he obviously likes you." says Liam

"I'll think about it." says Josselyn softly smiling

Theo nervously waits in the park for Josselyn since she asked him to meet her there.

She's going to punch me in the face for ruining her relationship with Liam. thinks Theo nervously as he sees Josselyn walking towards him

"Hey, look I'm sorry about the other-" starts Theo but is cut off by Josselyn wrapping her arms around his neck and crashes her lips on his

Shocked it takes Theo a second or two to kiss but when he does he's glad he did.

"What about Liam?" He asks as Josselyn and him pull back

"He's with Hayden....and I like you." answers Josselyn smiling causing Theo to smile before kissing Josselyn again


Today's Friday so it's a good day for me because it's the end of the school week.

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