Passing the Test-Brett Talbot

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   You sigh as you walk over to Brett tears already in your eyes. You were Allison's little sister.  You started dating Brett about 8 months ago. Your dad knew from the start of the relationship he was a werewolf and wasn't in Scott's pack. He was fine with it at first but then he changed his mind unexpectedly. He said he didn't know if Brett's pack was a more civil pack like Scott's and that I have to break up with him. That Brett would hurt me. No matter what I said my dad wouldn't change his mind. So here I was walking towards a smiling Brett who is waving hello. I give him a small smile and a wave back as I get closer.

"What's wrong babe?" asks Brett as he pulls me into a hug as I reach him

I hug him tightly knowing this might be the last one. Sighing I pull back looking down, knowing if I looked at him I would sob.

"Brett......we heave to break up." I say

"What?" says Brett and I look up to see him looking a combination of sad and worried

"My dad doesn't want us to see each other anymore." I explain

"But.....but why? I love you. Doesn't he know that? He can't just do that!" says Brett tears running down his face

"I know it's unfair. I already tried to convince him not to make me do this, but he didn't care." I say as tears running down my cheeks

"It's okay, baby. We can figure this out." says Brett wiping my tears away

"Everything will work out." says Brett pulling me into a hug

"I love you." I whisper as he kisses my head

"I love you too." says Brett then all of a sudden we hear clapping

"Congratulations! You passed my test." I hear my dad say turning around I see him smirking

"What?" Brett and I ask in unison

"I knew you loved him, but I wanted to make sure he loved you just as much. Thankfully he did. Now I have to go I have a date." says my dad walking away as I stare at him confused

"I guess that means we are still together." says Brett looking at me hopefully

"Yes, it does." I say pulling him into a passionate kiss

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