Peter's daughter?!-Scott McCall

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Idea Request by @Sarah91t

"Okay, we can't tell Y/N about this." says Scott as they all look at the dead pool list that has your name on it as Y/N Hale and worth 5 times as much as Scott

"Agreed." says Stiles as everyone else in the pack looks at the list

The pack had planned to have a meeting about the dead pool list but you're running late.

Everyone else nods in agreement.

"No matter what happens we can't let Y/N see this. She already has enough to worry about." says Scott

  You are Scott's girlfriend and he knew you would be either scared or freaked out by this news. You already have enough to worry about. You had to worry about being killed by hunters and trying to make sure your family doesn't get hurt because of you, he would tell you later but now. You never did like Peter so he didn't think you would be very happy about this news anyway.

"She definitely doesn't need that stress right now." says Lydia, who's your best friend

Then the doorbell rings and everyone knows that it you. Scott quickly lets the paper fall to the counter as the pack hurries to sit on the couch trying not to seem suspicious. Scott answers the door smiling.

"Hey, babe." He says pulling you into a hug

"Hey, Scotty." You say leaning up to kiss his cheek

"Okay now that Y/N's here. It's time to start the meeting." says Scott as you sit down

  Halfway through the meeting you get hungry, you stand up and head to the kitchen quietly not wanting to interrupt the meeting. You head into the kitchen and grab a chip bag. As you do, you see a dead pool list. Holding your bag of chips you decide to look at it since you didn't know how much you're worth. You quickly look  over the list until you find your name while eating Scott's chips.

What why does it say Y/N Hale? My last name's Y/L/N not Hale.....Wait I'm worth 125 million?!! That's the high number on here. I'm gonna die! Wait one second, everyone's seen this list why wouldn't they say anything about the Hale typo? Unless it's not a typo. You think confused as you drop your chips

Oh my gosh, I'm a Hale. I'm Peter's daughter. This is weird. I hate Peter. You think as you head into the living room with the list in your hands

"This is a typo right?" You ask making everyone turn to me

"What's a typo?" asks Liam sounding nervous and obviously knew about it

"That the deadpool says Y/N Hale." You say going along with their fake acting

"Oh yeah totally." says Malia and you look at her shocked

"Malia." hisses Stiles nudging her to be quiet

" I am really Peter's daughter?" You question as Scott walks towards you

"Yeah. I was going to tell you but you already have so much to worry about." answers Scott

"I can't believe this..." you say as Scott looks at you worried

"But enough about me, we need to figure out what to do about the deadpool." You say shaking your head

"You sure?" asks Scott looking at you worried

"Yeah." You answer giving Scott a small smile before you guys plan what to do

It was now after you guys finish planning, you were the last one to leave. You hug Scott goodbye.

"You sure you want to go talk to Peter alone?" asks Scott looking at you worried

"I'm going to the only place where I know their going to protect me." You say

"If there's one thing I know about the Hale's is they're loyal to each other. Besides Derek's probably going to be there too. It's his loft." You say shrugging before kissing Scott then you leave

You now stand in front of the loft door nervous to knock. Part of you hopes you that when you knock only Derek is home, another part of you hope Peter the only one home. You sigh before you finally knock on the door. A few seconds later, it opens to reveal Peter.

"Derek's not home right now." says Peter

"I'm not here for Derek. I'm here to talk to you." You say then he lets you in

"Let me guess. You saw the dead pool list and now you want to know if it's true that you're my daughter." says Peter as you guys sit down

"Is it?" You question waiting for his answer impatiently

"Yes. It's true." Peter says

"Are...are you sure? I mean my parents never told me I was adopted. How could this be?" You say somewhat freaking out

"I'm sure." laughs Peter

"I'm the one who dropped you off on there front porch. I knew they were nice people and I couldn't have a kid then. So I left you there. As for why they never told you, I don't know." says Peter as he moves to sit next to you

"I can't believe this is real." You say running your hands through your y/h/c hair

"It's okay." says Peter wrapping an around you

Before sticking a wolfsbane filled needle into you.

"What the-" You start before you drift off to sleep

"Sorry, sweetheart. I can't let you get hurt but I do need to hurt your boyfriend." says Peter laying you down on the couch

"It'll all work out for the best, I promise. I'll get my Alpha title back and everything will be good again." says Peter covering you with a blanket before leaving



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I saw this the other day and just had to share it.

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