Scott (Requested)

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Requested by treasure4900000007

Treasure stands next to Coach since she is the manager of the team watching the big game

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Treasure stands next to Coach since she is the manager of the team watching the big game. Her boyfriend, Scott, is playing and he's doing really well tonight. She smiles as Scott heads towards the goal with the play ready to shoot it when Jackson pushes him hard. Scott falls on his side the ball getting tossed out of his stick and Jackson catches. Jackson then scores a point. Scott starts heavy and Treasure can tell from the sidelines that Scott is having trouble controlling himself. She quickly rushes to Scott despite Coach Finstock's protests. She runs over to the field and over to Scott to see his eyes glowing yellow and his fangs out. She quickly helps him up and hugs him calming him down since Treasure is Scott's anchor.

"You got this McCall." says Treasure lifting up Scott's helmet kissing him quickly as everyone watches

She then smiles at Scott making his smile grow before returns back to the sidelines.

"Next time listen to me. Don't run on the field." says Coach making her roll her eyes

Then the game starts up again and Scott is scoring goal after goal.

The is now over and Scott scored the winning shot. He runs to where Treasure is on the sidelines. He smiles as he picks her up and spins her around as Treasure giggles.

"I know you could do it McCall." smiles Treasure

"I don't think I could have done it with out you." says Scott before capturing Treasure's lips in his


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