The Dance-Liam Dunbar

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You are Scott's sister and Liam's crush so when the dance comes close and you still didn't have a date, Scott was trying to convince Liam to ask you.

"I know you like my sister. That's why I need you to ask her to the dance. She's doesn't have a date yet." explains Scott to Liam

"No I don't!...okay maybe....." admits Liam worried Scott would kill him for liking his sister

"I am not mad. You obviously like her and she likes you. Anyways, I need you to ask her to the dance." says Scott

"Okay I will." says Liam smiling because Scott said you liked him too

  What they both didn't realize was you had heard them. The only problem was all you heard was Scott saying "I need you to ask her to the dance." and Liam agreeing. So naturally, you thought Liam only agreed because Scott was his Alpha and didn't want to make him mad.

"Hey Y/N, wait up!" Liam yells after you as you walk down the hall heading to class

Hesitantly you stop waiting for him to catch up with you.

"Hey." says Liam as he now stood by your side

"Hey." You softly say

"I was uh wondering if you would like to go with me to the dance this Friday? You don't have to to I just thought-" starts Liam but you cut him off

"No." You say not looking him in the eye

"W..what?" Liam questions somewhat shocked you had said no

"Look Liam, I know the real reason you asked me and I don't want to go with someone for that reason." You say walking away leaving a confused Liam standing frozen in the hallway

Did Mason tell her I am in love with her? Maybe she doesn't like me? Maybe someone made up a nasty rumor and told her it? Liam thought after as he walks down the hall on his way to last period

He kept thinking until he smelt Y/N and heard her friend talking in the girls bathroom. He stopped and listened in standing next to the bathroom door.

"I hear Liam asked you to the dance and you said no. I thought you liked him, why'd you reject him?" He heard her friend ask and Liam heard you sigh

"I overheard Scott asking him to ask me because I don't have a date yet. I don't really want to go to the dance with my crush just because my brother asked him too." Liam hears you reply

So that's why Y/N said no. Maybe if I tell her how I feel she will change her mind. Liam thinks

"Oh well that sucks, but good news. I heard Vance is going to ask you,so now you can show him and your brother you can get a date." says your friend

And I better do it fast. Liam thinks

"Yeah,well we better get to class." Liam heard you say as Liam moves over a bit to seem like he wasn't stalking you

He watches as your friend exits first noticing him she sends him a glare. Then you exit and immediately notice then start to leave quickly.

"Y/N wait, can we talk?" asks Liam stopping you

"Sure." You sigh turning back to him

"I know you only think I asked you to the dance because your brother asked me to, but that's not true. He only asked me because I like you and had been to scared to ask you. The part you heard was just him confirming I was going to ask you. I wanted to ask you. I like you Y/N, like a lot." Liam says smiling

"I like you a lot too." You admit blushing a but

"So Y/N McCall, will you do to the dance with me?" asks Liam smiling at you hopeful

"Yes, I will Liam Dunbar." You answer smiling

  Happily, Liam grabs your waist pulling your closer then smashing his lips on yours. In a passionate happy kiss. Smiling into the kiss you wrap your arms around Liam's neck. You both happy to finally kiss each other.

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