Regret-Jackson Whittemore

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  Jackson sits in the hospital waiting room scared and worried, plus annoyed that he can't see you right this second. He needed to know you are okay. He just needed to know. He couldn't live without you. He realized that today after your accident.

   You were walking home alone around seven o'clock heading back from the library where you were studying at. You had called Jackson to pick you up, but he didn't answer and your car is in the shop so you were forced to walk home by yourself. You walked down the sidewalk you only had three blocks left to go before you got home. You were on your phone looking at some cute cat video when a drunk driver rammed you with his car. The driver drove off leaving you unconscious and bleeding on the sidewalk. This action angered Jackson. How could someone leave you there? You didn't deserve to be left on the sidewalk bleeding. A good person found you an hour late a pool of blood surrounding you and called an ambulance. He received a call from Scott that Melissa told him you were in the hospital. Panic and worry coursed through his veins after he received that call.

He rushed to the hospital breaking every speed limit. Jacksondidn't care if his Porsche or he gets hurt, he just needed to know you were okay. He ran into the waiting room, sweat dripping down his forehead from worry. Immediately Melissa ran up to him.

"Where is she?" Jackson demands looking over Melissa's shoudler, hoping to get even a glimpse of you

"You need to calm right now. Right now she's in surgery right now." says Melissa

"Is she going to be okay?" asks Jackson now looking directly at Melissa

"I....I'm not sure but as soon as I find out, I'll tell. For now, just have a seat." answers Melissa guiding Jackson to a seat as Jackson's head spins

That means something seriously wrong. She wouldn't have said she isn't sure unless Y/N's injuries are bad. Thinks Jackson as he sits down

Jackson sits in the chair now silent tears flowing down his face. He needs you to be okay. He couldn't lose you now. Jackson softly smiles as he thinks back to your guy's most recent date.

Jackson sat next to you his Porsche on his way to your guy's planned date. He was being an ass like he always is. He was holding your hand when a squirrel ran across the road. He doesn't even slow down or tries not to hit it. He doesn't care about some stupid squirrel.

"Jackson, you almost hit him." You said looking into the mirror to try and see if the squirrel was dead or injured

"So? Who cares about some dumb squirrel?" Jackson scoffed as he continues to drive

"I like squirrels." You say as he pulls into the movie theatre parking lot

"Well, I don't. And that's really weird you do. Why am I dating you?" says Jackson getting out of the car

He knew what he said had hurt your feelings but did he care then? No. Does he care now? Yes. Did he regret all the times he was an asshole to you? Yes. He realized today all the feelings he was too scared to admit to himself before. He wants to tell you he loves you and that's he is sorry....but he might not get that chance now.

Around two hours later, Jackson still sits there nervous why he hasn't heard anything.

She has to be okay, she just has to be. She doesn't deserve to die. If anyone deserves to die, it's me. thinks Jackson

A few minutes later, Melissa arrives in the waiting room. She waves at Jackson signaling for him to come to her. Jackson stands up and immediately rushes over to her. He follows her as she walks down the hall.

"Is she okay? She is alive, right?" questions Jackson worried

"She's alive and she's awake." answers Melissa as they stop at a room

"She isn't supposed to have visitors right now, so please be quiet." says Melissa

"I promise I'll be quiet." hurriedly promises Jackson

Melissa looks around before she opens the door and shoves Jackson in, closing the door right after.

"Y/N." breathes out Jackson as he sees a bruised up you worry filling his eyes

"Jackson.." You breathe out

Part of you was shocked that he was here right now. Sure Jackson is your boyfriend and a boyfriend should probably be here....but he is Jackson. He was sort of an ass to the point nobody understands why you are with him. But deep down you know Jackson cares for you and he had his sweet moments. You are happy he is here right now. You need somebody here for you.

"I'm so sorry. I should have answered my phone. You wouldn't be here right now if I answered." says Jackson rushing to your side gripping your hand tightly

"It's... not your fault. You didn't know." You say softly smiling as you look over at him

"I still should have answered." says Jackosn softly regret filling his eyes

Part of you was a bit shocked by how Jackson looks right now. Regret is evident in his eyes as well as worry, sadness, and panic.

"Jackson, I don't blame you." You say squeezing his hand

"I love you." Jackson says looking into your eyes

Instantly the wind is knocked out of you from those words. You knew Jackson cared for you but not this much. Plus you know how much this was for Jackson, he has never even told his parents he loves them.

"W..w..what?" You ask shocked...stunned actually

"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N." answers Jackson smiling

"I know I have been an ass to you and I regret that...I regret that so much. Because you deserve the world. You are beautiful, smart, and the best person I have met Y/N. When I got the call you are here, I was so worried, so worried. My heart was racing and sweat was pouring down my face. I thought you were gonna die and I had just I couldn't stand the thought of it. I can't live without seeing your beautiful smile or without hearing your laugh. I realized I need you Y/N and that I love you so much." says Jackson staring at you lovingly

"I love you too, Jackson Whittemore." You say softly smiling

"Good because I don't think I could handle it if you didn't."


Only one more part left☹️ I was thinking of doing another imagines book. But maybe this one being a multi-fandom one? Would you guys like to see that? It would still probably have a lot of Teen Wolf imagines in it.

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