She's Gone Prt3-Scott McCall

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    Scott stares as he parks by yours and Theo's house for the millionth time. Theo and you had decided to not go that far from Beacon Hills. You guys stayed in California and moved only a few hours away from Beacon Hills. That was a year and a half ago, Scott still can't move on from you.  Stiles did some digging and found out where you live. Ever since then Scott has sort of stalked the house. What Scott doesn't know is that Theo Raeken knows about his little habit.

    Theo and you got a cute little puppy just like you wanted when you first got here. You absolutely adore it. You also are in love with Theo Raeken now. Theo is in love with you as well but he can't help but think about how this is all a lie. You changed the chimera without you even knowing. You showed him love and kindness. That's when he realized how you deserved to be with Scott. You loved him and he loves you . Your relationship is all a lie. You probably wouldn't be in love with Theo if you knew about Scott. Theo knows what he should do. He just didn't know if he is ready to lose you. He smiles as he stares at you playing with your puppy.

"Come play with us." You say as you throw the ball to your puppy in your living room

"Okay, but only for a few minutes. After that, I got to go talk to somebody." Theo says smiling as he moves from the couch to next to you on the floor

"Who?" You question as you cuddle up to Theo

"Just an old friend." He answers putting an arm around you

He chuckles as he throws the ball for the impatient dog.

"I love you, you know that right?" He says looking down at you, smiling a little sadly knowing what he was about to do

"I know, you tell me all day, babe. I love you too." You say smiling up at Theo

"I know, I just wanted to tell you." says Theo before kissing you softly

After a few minutes, Theo pulls away from you and stands up.

"I got to go now, they are here but I'll be right back." says Theo

"Okay." You shrug smiling softly; not knowing what Theo is about to do

   He gives you one last glance before heading outside. Scott panics slightly as he sees Theo head outside. He panics, even more, when Theo makes his way towards his car. Scott ducks his head and prays Theo doesn't notice him. Theo chuckles as he stands next to the window of Scott's driver seat noticing this action. He knocks on the window and Scott sits up now slightly embarrassed of his actions. Scott puts his window down blushing slightly from embarrassment.

"I know I promised to stay away and that-" starts Scott

"I'm gonna tell her the truth." interrupts Theo

"What?" asks Scott shocked from Theo's statement

"Y/N deserves to know the truth. Sure, I love her and she loves me but it's not real. Our relationship is based on a lie. She loved you before she lost her memory and dude, you obviously still love her. And if she knows the truth, she'll pick you like she should. What you guys had was real." says Theo

"'re really going to tell?" questions Scott

Theo just gives a small nod in reply.

"Thank you." says Scott

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for Y/N. Because she deserves it." says Theo

"Just come back tomorrow." says Theo walking away back inside his house

Is....Is Theo Raeken actually doing something nice? thinks Scott confused

Theo sits next to you on the couch the next afternoon nervous trying to figure out how to tell you the truth. You lean against him your legs on the rest of the couch.

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