Liam Dunbar (Requested)

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Requested by multifandomgurl111

Meet Venus, Scott McCall's cousin and best friend of Liam Dunbar. She's liked him since the day she first met him, but something always stopped her from telling Liam how she felt. At first, her cousin told her to stay away from Liam until he could control his shiftings. Then the Dread Doctors came to town and Liam started dating Hayden. Venus lost feelings for Liam after that especially when she heard Liam tell Hayden he loved her, she even got a boyfriend then. Venus still stayed by Liam's side then since they were still best friends. Now Hayden's gone and Venus is now longer dating her old boyfriend it was the perfect time to tell Liam how she felt. Then the hunter's came to town and Venus didn't want to make things more complicated than they already are. A lot of people saw Liam shift into a werewolf last night. Now Nolan and Gabe have the whole lacrosse team against Liam. So here you are standing next to Mason as Corey and Liam are invisible behind you. You guys try to find an exit or somewhere to find but the lacrosse team is blocking them all. When Nolan appears in front of you guys and Gabe behind you guys.

"Oh hey...Nolan." says Mason nervously as Venus just stares at the blue eyed boy suspiciously eying him with her bright green eyes

She then watches as he pulls out his hand from his hoodie that's filled with white powder.

What's he doing? Is he going to drug us? thinks Venus

Instead of doing that he throws the powder onto Corey and Liam. It makes them visible.

Oh crap..thinks Venus worried

Then she watches as Gabe throws Liam to the floor. Liam stands up quickly then guys from the lacrosse team grab Liam and drag him to an empty classroom. Venus and Mason follow them. She watches as they throw Liam into the class. Nolan and Gabe stand behind Liam with the others on the lacrosse team guard the door. Venus and Mason try to get through them but the players were too strong for them. Corey ran off to somewhere.

"Get up. Get up!" says Nolan to Liam as he lays on the ground

Liam starts to get up but then Gabe kicks him back to the ground making the crowd that has formed ooh in the classroom.

How do they find this entertaining? Venus thinks as she struggles against the lacrosse players trying to get to Liam

"What are you trying to hide Liam? Your eyes?" says Gabe tauntingly before he grabs Liam hoisting him up before slamming into the wall

I never did like him thinks Venus angry

Liam keeps his shuts eyes shut obviously trying to control himself.

"Open your eyes." demands Gabe

A few seconds, Liam opens his eyes to show his normal gorgeous blue eyes.

Thank goodness. thinks Venus letting out a breath of relief

Gabe then moves back and Nolan punches Liam in the face. Liam's nose starts bleeding as Liam tries to control himself. Liam wipes the blood away.

"Hey let him go!" yells Mason before

"Are you just going to let us do this to you?" asks Nolan before  Venus knees the lacrosse player in his precious area

He lets go out as crouches down in pain giving Venus the time to run to where Nolan was about to punch Liam again. As she runs to Nolan she grabs his arm to stop him. On instincts, Nolan punches her in the face. It sends Venus to the ground holding her now blooding nose. Nolan looks at her shocked.

"Venus!" yells Liam worried for his friend

He heads towards her but then Gabe punches Liam in the face stopping him. Nolan grabs Liam's face keeping him away from Venus.

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