Stiles (Requested)

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Requested by @lyssa101555

Lyssa stands next to Melissa a bit scared of Void Stiles. Her brother, Stiles, is currently possessed by Kitsune spirit thingy she doesn't really understand what Void is but he is evil. Lyssa is only human making the pack very protective of her. She looks at Void in her brother's body tied up in a chair in Scott's house. All she wants is her brother back and the pack figured out a way to make it happen. Lydia sat next to Stiles with Scott's claws in both her neck and her brother's. She watches hopefully as Scott and Lydia pull away from Stiles gasping.

"Did it work? Did it work?" asks Scott as he moves to stand in front of Stiles as Lydia holds her neck standing up now

Please let it work Lysaa thinks

"What happened? Why didn't it work?" asks Lydia as she stands next to Peter Hale

"Because it's not science, it's the supernatural. Now give me the name." says Peter

"What name? What are you talking about?" asks Scott as Peter pulls Lydia off to the side

After that, I couldn't hear a word Lydia or Peter said due to me not having supernatural healing.

It has to work maybe it just needs a second to work. Lyssa thinks trying to be hopeful as she refocuses back onto her brother

Then all of a sudden Stiles or maybe Void rips his restraints off along with the duct tape on his mouth. Then he starts to pull ropes or goss maybe out of his mouth as he coughs. Everyone watches somewhat disgusted by the sight. Then something starts to stand up from the pile of rope. Stiles backs away scared as Lyssa grabs onto Melissa scared. She wraps her arms around me as a figure appears from the rope.

"I'm so glad you're alive." whispers Lyssa as the figure moves towards Lyssa and the others

"Hold him." barks Peter as Scott and he tries to hold whatever the thing is down to the floor

"I'm trying." says Scott

They struggle with him until Scott starts talking again

"Wait, wait." He says

He unravels it to reveal Stiles.

"Scott?" He says then he notices his sister nor Lydia is here

"Scott." says Deaton grabbing Scott's attention as Deaton looks to the open back door

"Where are they? Where are they? Lyssa! Lydia!" yells Scott rushing out of the house

Lyssa....I need to find my sister. I have to find her. I can't lose her and neither can dad. Stiles thinks worried about Lyssa

Lyssa grips Lydia's hand both of them equally as scared of Void. They walk toward where there is an opening in the tunnel room they are stuck in. There's a door but it's made out of bars of metal and locked.

"We have to get out of here." says Lydia letting go of Lyssa's hands grabbing the bars trying to break open the door

"Lydia, I don't think we are strong enough." Lyssa says whiling helping Lydia get the door open

"We have to at least try." says Lydia

"They will come for us." Lyssa says knowing her brother would save her

"You think so? I, my self, was wondering what they are doing at this very moment. The useless lead they are chasing. I wonder if maybe some of them have bigger problems than you two. Are they really spending every minute looking for you two or are they waiting for nightfall?" says Void causing Lyssa and Lydia to turn to him

"What do you want?" asks Lydia as Lyssa eyes Void suspiciously

"To kill Lyssa in front of her dear brother Stiles's eyes." answers Void causing Lyssa to look at him fearful not wanting to die

"Our friends will save us." says Lydia

"Of course they will but it might be too late by then." smirks Void before walking away

"You will be okay. Stiles and Scott will save us." says Lydia looking at Lyssa

Lyssa meekly nods wanting to believe that but she can't help but think she might die tonight.

"Well they have arrived but you won't be alive to see them." says Void as he pulls out a knife

Lyssa stares at him worried and fearful.

"You don't have to do this." says Lyssa as she stays seated paralyzed with fear

"Your right I don't have to." says Stiles crouching in front of Lyssa

"But where is the fun in that." He says pointing the knife at you

But before he plunges the knife in Lyssa, she pulls something her throat. She opens her mouth to let out a huge scream. When she does, it throws Void into the wall across from her knocking her out.

"Woah." she hears a voice say

She looks to see her brother and Lydia. She runs to them throwing her arms around Stiles tears falling down your face.

"You're a banshee." says Lydia shocked

"No time to worry about that." says Stiles pulling away from Lyssa grabbing her and Lydia's hands

"We have to go." says Stiles before dragging the two girls out

They run towards Stiles's jeep.

"But what about Void?" asks Lyssa

"The other's got him." answers Stiles as they run

As they do, they spot Allision laying on the ground with blood surrounding her.

"Allision." says Lyssa causing the group to stop

They all stare at her shocked. Lydia and Lyssa both have tears gather in their eyes.

"She's dead." says Lydia

"We have to do." says Stiles dragging his sister and the girl he loves to his car not wanting either of them to end up like Allision

They make it to Stiles's Jeep and quickly hop in. Once they do, Lydia pulls Lyssa into a hug as they sob.

"She's dead." whispers Lyssa as Stiles drives the girls to somewhere safe

"We have each other still and we will get through this together." says Lydia softly to her best friend

"Of course we will." says Lyssa smiling softly

Lyssa walks inside her house to see her dad.

"Thank God, you are okay." Her dad says pulling his son and daughter into hug

"I love you guys." softly whispers Lyssa

"I love you too." says Stiles

"I love you both more than you will ever know." Their dad says holding them closely

They stay that way for a little none of them wanting to leave the comfort of each other's arms. All of them wanting to feel each other's presence since they almost lost each other

I don't want TW to end😩

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