Scared Sourwolf-Derek Hale

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Derek watches you as you laugh with your brother, Stiles Stilinski at graduation. You wore the usual cap and gown to Derek you look very stunning in it. You look so happy in this moment that Derek just wants to freeze time on it. He then growls slightly as he sees some blonde guy pull you into a hug. He then notices a glaring Stiles as you smile at the boy. Jealousy rises up in Derek's chest angrily.

He smiles a little and claps as Principal Martin calls your name. You proudly walk on the stage smiling largely. He watches as your eyes scan the crowd before you find his. You send Derek a smile which he happily returns with a slight blush. You turn back to Principal Martin and accept your diploma. Derek walks up to the pack as you stand next to Stiles's Jeep after the ceremony.

"Glad you could make it sourwolf." says Stiles smiling as he has his arm around Lydia's waist

Derek rolls his eyes at the nickname as you chuckle.

"I'm glad you are here, Der." You say pulling Derek into a hug

He softly smiles as he wraps his arms around you. You guys pull back smiling looking into each other's eyes.

"Where's wolfpup?" asks Stiles ruining your guy's little moment

You move away from Derek and look at your brother.

"I don't know." You answer curious as well to know where Liam is since you are giving him a ride to the after graduation party Scott is having

"Found him." sighs Scott pointing to somewhere

All your eyes following to Liam who is kissing Theo Raeken.

"I knew it!" You say squealing slightly

Liam pulls away from Theo and looks over to you guys. You all snap your heads forward hoping Liam didn't notice you guys staring. A few seconds later, Liam stands by your side.

"Hey, guys." says Liam smiling

You look at him staring at him, you smiling largely happy your ship has sailed.

"Why..are you all just staring at me?" He asks

"No we should get going the party is supposed to start soon." You say

"Okay....I invited Theo to it, is that okay?" says Liam

"That's more than okay." You say smiling creeping Liam out abit as Derek laughs at your excitment

"Okay...?" says Liam confused to why you are acting so weird

"Let's get going then." says Stiles

Derek watches you as you goof around with Todd until Stiles appears at his side.

"You should just tell her." says Stiles

"Tell who what?" questions Derek turning to Stiles

"Y/N that you're in love with her." answers Stiles

" did you know?" Derek questions confused

"You aren't the best at hiding it, buddy." He answers patting Derek's back

"I'm not telling her." grumbles out Derek

"Why not?....You too scared sourwolf?" asks Stiles

"I'm not scared." mutters Derek

"Then go." says Stiles pushing Derek towards you

Derek sends a glare back to Stiles as he walks towards you. Stiles sends him a thumbs up and smile.

"Hey...Y/N." he says nervously as he stands in front of you

"Hey, Der. What's up?" You say smiling at him

He studies you. The smile on your face was innocent and your eyes contain this spark...this shiny break sparkle.

"I...I just wanted to say congrats on graduation. I don't know how you found time to study with all this supernatural stuff." He says

He chickened out. He was scared. Everyone around him gets hurt somehow. And he didn't want to be the one to put out that spark in your eyes.

You chuckle at Derek's comment.

"Yeah, I'm not even sure how I managed to graduate." You say

"Well, I'm going to get going but I'll see you around." says Derek

"See you later." You say giving him a soft smile as he walks away

"So what did she say?" asks Stiles as he follows Derek who is heading to leave

"Nothing." answers Derek

"What? But I saw you two talking!" says Stiles

"She said nothing because I didn't tell her." says Derek giving Stiles a pointed look before leaving though Scott's front door

"Will fearlessly try to rip out a guy's thirst but is too scared to ask a girl out." says Stiles shaking his head

"Hey, Derek." You say walking into Derek's hotel room

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" asks Derek confused to see you making you confused

"Stiles told me you needed to talk to me." You answer

Derek looks at you shocked until his phone beeps. He pulls out his phone to see a text from Stiles. Tell her or I will sourwolf ;) it reads. Derek lets out a sigh before turning back to you.

"Of um, yeah I do." He says quietly

"Okay, so what's up?" You ask softly smiling

"I just.....I have feelings for you, Y/N." answers Derek nervously

"" You stutter out shocked from this new information from Derek

"I have feelings for you....but we can't be together. Everyone that gets close to me ends up dead or hurt and I don't what I would-" starts Derek off by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss

"You think too much Derek Hale." You say smiling up as you guys pull apart

Derek chuckles at this comment as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

You were someone Derek trusted. You have never lied to the former Alpha or done anything to betray him. He knew around you he could drop his guard.

"I really really like you." He says softly

He didn't want to bring the l-word into this right now. It was too soon and Derek didn't want to scare you away.

"I really really like you too, Hale." You say smiling

Derek smiles the largest smile he has ever smiled before he kisses you.


I just thought about this the other day. Did Brett and Lori get a funeral? Because didn't Satomi die and she was their legal guardians so she would have been the one to do it. So if she didn't do it who did? Or did it just not happen?

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