Lies-Liam Dunbar

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You stood at your locker grabbing your books from class when a hand taps your shoulder. You turn around to see Hayden, she's a girl from your soccer team and you guys have always been friendly with each other. You aren't necessarily friends so you look at her smiling thinking she was going to talk to you about your guys' game Saturday.

"Hey, Hayden, what's up?" You asked

"Look, I have to tell you something and you have to promise me you won't be mad." said Hayden looking extremely nervous

"Okay..." You said confused at what Hayden could possibly say to make you mad

"Liam...he, uh, I don't know what happened. I was working at Sinema and Liam came in and pressed me up against a wall and kissed me. I'm so sorry, Y/N." said Hayden shocking you and breaking your heart at the same time

Your last boyfriend cheated on you multiple times with your supposed best friend at the time. You were really scared about dating again then you meet Liam. He really liked you and for some reason, you instantly liked him too, but you were scared. Liam kept trying and eventually broke down your walls. When he did he promised he would never cheat on you and that he loved you, and you believed him. Now you realise that was a mistake.

"Are...are you mad at me?" asked Hayden looking scared and worried

"I'm not mad at you Hayden. I'm just glad you told me. Now if you excuse me I have to do something." You said quickly walking away mad and at the same time sad ready to break up with Liam

A few tears fall down your face and you wipe them away as you spot Liam at his locker.

"Hey, babe." Liam said smiling at you as he sees you

As soon as you see him you look down because even though he cheated on you, you still love him.

"Hey what's wrong? Did something happen?" He questioned placing a comforting hand on your shoulder

You instantly stepped away from the contact confusing Liam.

"Why do I always pick shitty guys to fall in love with?" You muttered

"What are you talking about?" asked Liam hearing what you muttered with his werewolf hearing

"I really hoped you would be different Liam, I really did." You said

"I am different." said Liam

"No you weren't Liam." You said shaking your head

"We're over." You said walking away breaking Liam's heart

A few tears fall down both of your faces both upset about what just occurred.

   That was a week ago, Liam now sat in the library watching you. You sat a few tables over with a few of your friends study. Liam is now sporting dark under eye bag because he can't sleep without dreaming of you. He also can't stop thinking about you. He couldn't figure why you suddenly broke up with him. He also couldn't figure what he did for you to say those things a week ago. He didn't do anything he could think of that would make you say that. He also was frustrated that you wouldn't talk to him. He has tried all week to talk to you but you always found a way to get rid of him or one of your friends would block him. Liam watches as you and you friends stand up and their things up. You also are sporting under eye bags. You also couldn't stop thinking of Liam but he didn't know that. As you pack your things up you notice Liam staring at you making you pack quicker not wanting to talk to him. You instantly leave with your friends. Liam let's out a sad sigh before he sees Hayden sit down across from him smirking.

"What do you want, Hayden?" asks Liam sighing not wanting to deal with the girl that hates him right now

" know just wanted to see how you're doing after Y/N found out you cheated on her." Hayden says shrugging as she checks her nails out

"I didn't cheat on Y/N. Why would you say that?" says Liam looking at Hayden confused

"That's not what she thinks." says Hayden

"What? Why would she think that?" questions Liam still confused

"Because I might have told her you kissed me this weekend at my work....oops." says Hayden smirking

"I can't believe you would do that." says Liam running out of the library searching for you

He finally spots you at your locker alone taking your backpack out.

"Y/N." He says as he finally gets to you

"Oh, hey Liam." You say feeling awkward

"Look Hayden just told me what she told you last week and I promise none of it's true. I was with Corey and Mason all that weekend. She just told you that to get back at me for 6th grade. I promise, Y/N, I would never cheated on you. I love you. Please, please tell me you believe me. I can't do anything with out. I need you. I haven't been able to sleep. All I can think about is you. Please, tell me you believe me." says Liam a few tears following down his face

You look at his eyes hoping he wasn't lying to you.

"I believe you." You say finally knowing that Liam wasn't lying

"You do?" asks Liam worried you would say of course not and laugh in his face

"Yeah, I do Liam, I love you. I know you would never do that and I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it before I broke things off. I hope you can forgive me." says Y/N

"I can if you take me back." says Liam making you smile

"I think that can be arranged you." You say wrapping your arms around his necks

"Good because I have been dying to kiss you." He says wrapping his arms around your waist before pulling you into a passionate kiss


I saw this the other day and omg! I hope this means Thiam's going to happen

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I saw this the other day and omg! I hope this means Thiam's going to happen.  I want Thiam to happen so badly but I feel like it probably won't happen.  I feel like it's going to be another Sterek where you totally think they are going to end up together and then they don't. I really really want Thiam to happen though.

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