The Beanie || Jughead

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Imagine: Jughead letting you wear his beanie one late night and you wear it to school the next day to everyone's surprise.

It's nothing new that you've persuaded Juggy to stay the night at your house. You know what he has to come home to if not, so you always try to make him stay at your place.
"Are you sure it's not inconvenient?" he asks as you make the bed. He's spent the night at your house a million times, but he always asks the same question.

"It's no problem. I sleep better with you here anyway," you reply changing into your pajamas. Changing in front of Juggy means nothing because you've been best friends for ages. And it's just the kind of relationship you have.
"Fine. I'll go check for snacks," he says leaving your room. It's your favourite movie night meaning you stay up as long as possible on a school night watching movies. It's stupid but it's been a tradition for as long as you can remember. He returns with multiple snacks changing into his own pajamas before getting under the duvet with you.

"You should really take off that beanie. It's not polite to wear inside," you pout making him laugh though he makes no move to remove it. So you decide to do it for him. Moments later you're sitting with his beanie on and he's complaining loudly.

"Hush, you'll wake up my parents," you say holding Jughead's wrists tightly so he doesn't steal it back.
"I want it before school tomorrow," he says with a smile, which you agree to. You don't even think twice about the fact that he lets you wear his beloved beanie. Many movies later you've fallen asleep together. When it's time to wake up you realise that you're running very late. So you both throw on some clothes before running out the door. It isn't until you get to school and Veronica stares at you funny that you realise you're still wearing his beanie. Juggy is already down the hall to his classroom so you decide to give it back during lunch.

"How did you convince him to take it off?" Betty asks curiously and Veronica leans in as well eager to hear the reply.
"It's nothing special. It's a beanie," you say weakly not sure why they're making such a big fuss about it.
"But it's Jughead's beanie. And he never takes that thing off," Archie chimes in, "I was half convinced he showered with it on."

"Just stop. It doesn't mean anything!" you say getting annoyed now, because maybe you have the slightest crush on Juggy, but he's your best friend. And you're positive he doesn't like you in that way. At least you were until he pulls you away from everyone.

"What if it does mean something?" he asks once no one can hear your conversation.
"I-" you manage to say before he kisses you cutting you off.
"I needed to do that before I lost my courage," he explains letting you catch your breath. He's staring at the ground and you feel butterflies in your stomach.

"Do it again."


CREDIT: imkylotrash

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