Hit Me || Jughead

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We were in our break. I was reading a book because, well, I'm that kind of girl. It's not like I'm less sociable or more shy because I read. I'm okay with almost everyone.
But Kevin and Betty were talking, Reggie was with the football team laughing, Ronnie was with her new 'distraction' and Archie was too distracted to maintain a conversation.

And Jughead, well we were already talking, in our peculiar way. We just needed to look at each other's eyes. Sometimes, when someone said something stupid, I looked at him, and we both smirked.

Well, like I was saying, I was reading, sitting in the sofa nearest Jug, when I heard something that didn't like me.
Reggie was laughing about the way Jason had died. I was going to say something, but Jughead caught my eyes and shook a little his head.

I wasn't going to do anything, until Reggie began to say dangerous things. He was playing detectives.
"I mean, let's think about it." Reggie motioned everyone with a cocky smile.
"If a kid of Riverdale killed Jason, it's not gonna be a jock, right?" in that moment, I tensed, a part of me knew where Reggie wanted to bring us.
"No, let's be honest. Isn't always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic, Internet troll, too busy writing his manifestos to get laid?" I discreetly looked at jughead, who tensed too, crossing his arms. This time, Jughead didn't want to look at me.

"some smug, moody, serial killer, fanboy freak" I looked at Archie, nervous Betty Kevin and Veronica didn't even bother to look at Jug. If Reggie did something to him, I was going to kill him.

"Like... Jughead!" Reggie called him turning around to face him, still laughing. I couldn't help but clench my fists.

"what was it like Suicide Squad... When you shot Jason?" I closed my book fiercely, making Veronica turn to face me.

"you didn't do stuff to the body, did you?" Reggie asked and I saw jughead reach his limit of patience. "Like... After?" Reggie added and everyone laughed. I thought Jughead was going to punch Reggie. That he was going to storm away and cry like sometimes had done before, being me the only person that he let stay with him in that moment. But he just smiled sarcastically, like I always did.

That was something good. But Jughead didn't stop there.
"It's called necrophilia, Reggie." Jughead correct him calmly. "can you spell it?" everyone looked surprised at Jughead, and then, they turned at Reggie, also surprised. I don't know if Reggie tried to spell it, but he got angry and jumped over the coach.

"come here you little-!!" Reggie groaned. I saw that coming, so I stood up and put myself in front of Reggie, pulling Jughead behind me.

"don't touch him." I hissed holding Jughead's hands behind my back. "I have endured enough."

He laughed. I couldn't blame him for that. The situation was ridiculous. Reggie Mantle was much taller than me, and I was much weaker. However, I was there, ready to hit him if it was necessary. I was sick of his constant bullying to Jughead.

"Oh gosh... You and Donny Darko?" he asked trying to reach Jughead pushing me aside.

"don't touch her!" I heard Jughead shout, and I had time
enough to pull him softly against the wall again. With my hands in his chest, I noticed the increasing speed of his heart.

"woah" Reggie laughed again. "and what happens if I touched her, Suicide Squad?" I noticed both of Jughead's hands holding my waist against him.

"I'll hit you" I said turning around. A large hand parted me from Jughead grabbing my arm.

"Hit me." Reggie laughed. I didn't think twice. I raised my fist and punched his face with all my forces. Reggie lost the balance and Jughead help me to step back with him before Reggie stood up again.

I knew that Reggie was going to hit me. When he raised his fists, Jughead moved to cover me at the same time Archie stepped in the middle trying to calm down Reggie. I guided Jughead out there and he stopped in his tracks.

"Y/n are you crazy?" he whispered worried, but we both were smiling. "he could've hurt you."

"I know. But I'm tired of him." suddenly, I noticed that his hands was still holding mines, and I blushed.

"Uh... Your heart... Was beating... Very fast." now he blushed too.

"you were too close." he murmured looking down at our hands. "and if I hadn't pulled you that close, Reggie would have done some to you." I bit softly my lower lip and let my hands travel to his cheeks, attracting him to me.
I kissed him briefly and shyly.

"Thank you Jug" I said smiling and, with a smile, I walked away, letting him in the middle of the hall. With a stupid grinn in his face.



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