Are You Going To Be Okay || Cheryl

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"What do you mean it was just a joke, sleeping with other girls and keeping points while your dating me isn't a joke" I screamed as people who passed by stared.
"Y/n if you don't like it then break up with me" reggie screamed!

"Fine then were over asshole."
I flicked my hair in his face and walked away with confidence but I slowly started to break down with each step. Tears were starting to fall from my eyes when i arrived to my house. I cried until my eyes were dry and I feared I would have a headache until next week. I didn't know how to make myself feel better to be honest I feel crap so I did what I normally do I'm upset, I went to pop's.

Pops was crowed for it being a wensday night and there being a football game tonight. The booth by the door was open which was the one I normally sit at, I slide in already feeling a bit better. I looked around he vintage looking dinner when dread fills my vision. I quickly get up almost knocking over the waitress "I'm sorry but i need to leave."

I run out of the diner and don't stop until I can't breathe anymore. As I stop running I collapse on the ground in a fit of tears not really sure how to comprehend what I saw. The sight seems to be burned in my mind constantly on replay. The sight of reggie kissing that, that girl he acts like we didn't even break up not even twelve hours ago.

"Hey are you okay" you look up and see cheryl ask?
"Ummm yes i'm- actually i'm not im awful" I say a sad smile on my face.

Cheryl opens you arms as an invitation which you gladly accepted.
"Lesbians" someone shouted at you!!
"Oh don't you wish you pervert" cheryl shouts back!

"Thank you" I say after I had been hugging her for way longer then I should have.
"Here why don't you stay the night at my house it might make you feel better" she suggested a hopeful look in her eyes?

I smiled for the first time today "I would really love that." She gives me a really happy look grabs my hand and takes me to her car.

The next day I didn't go to school, cheryl and I stayed up alll night under the excuse of "The of the break up is the day to watch romantic movies and eat so much ice cream that you gain ten pounds." We didn't go to bed until five am and didn't wake up until 11am. But teh next day I stayed the night again using the excuse that I didn't want to be alone but I knew that wasn't true. I know I had just gotten upset at reggie for the same thing I'm doing but I gave it twenty four hours and technically I'm still not dating her so i'm doing better then him. Putting that aside though maybe our relationship was a lie if we can both can move on so quickly. Besides he cheated on me so our relationship has been over for awhile so I have every reason to move on this quickly.

"Why did you two break up" cheryl asks?
"He had been cheating on me, apparently the football team has some like point score for sleeping with girls and guess who has three pages full of girls."
"Those closet monsters, Jason" cheryl gasps.
"Maybe he doesn't know?"

Cheryl nods her head indicating she heard me. "I like girls" she randomly says but i guess not so randomly as we were just just talking about sleeping with girls. "Me too" I said smiling. We both looked at eachother as a romatic atsphere seemed to flow into the room. Cheryl moves closer to you as her eyes shift to your lips.

"Who are you talking to" jason says as he enters the room ruining our moment "oh who's this cheryl?"
"This is my........ friend y/n" cheryl said as jason's face went ghost white.
"Oh it's nice to see you y/n" jason said scurring out of the room as fast as lightning.

We both laugh really loud "That was too funny."
We went back into that comfortable conversation ignoring the moment we almost shared.
The night passed as the sun came up blinding me "Cheryl wake up Sleeping Beauty" I say shaking her awake.

"Awe did you just call me beautiful?"
"Of course I did" playful flirting happening between us.
As our time alone togther came to an end and school began we could both feel the sadness "Are you going to be okay?"
"I guess so if not I know where to find you."
She laughed "Or just call me xxx-xxx-xxxx that's my phone number I will always answer."

"Thank you for everyt-."
"Y/n is that you" reggie shouts from down the hall. Cheryl half steps in front of me blocking me from reggie while she crosses her arms over her chest giving hie her best bitch stare. "What do you want from y/n" cheryl asks hatred laces through her words. Reggie looked at us to and how close we were as our thighs were slightly touching. "I came because she left her purse at pop's two days ago." I snatched it from his hands as now cheryl stepped fully in front of me hiding me from his veiw "Go away now and leave her alone."
"Having your new girlfriend protect you really" reggie asks with a shit eating grin on his face. "You know what actually yes I am because she cares enough to."

Cheryl looks back to me with confusion on her face, I turn her face to be in line with me and look at her lips just like we had done last night and she nodded her head saying it was okay. I leaned in and placed my lips on hers. It was a quick just a second to afraid the other one wasn't ready for more. When we pulled apart reggie was gone and we both giggled our forheads placed together. "You know I think I will be okay today now that I have you."
"Wait I want to make it official" Cheryl backed up from me and faced the people in the hallway " Everybody listen up"
Cheryl walks back over to me and grabs my hand "Y/n will you be my girlfriend." "Of course i will."

"Okay all you peasents you heard it here y/n is taken my me so don't touch her or make her feel bad or I will fine you and you will regret it." Cheryl looked at me pulling me into a hug "You know if you are always going to be this possesive this is going to be an intresting relationship."

"Ive always been a fan of intresting" cheryl said laughing as she walked you to your class


CREDIT: riverdale-girl

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