I Just Wanna Cuddle || Cheryl

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probs gonna start posting more frequently now.

(Y/N) sat on the threadbare pale blue couch, shivering in her coat

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(Y/N) sat on the threadbare pale blue couch, shivering in her coat. The young girl sought shelter in the dishevelled wooden shack. She didn't mind that every time the wind blew harshly, it also seeped through the gaps in the old wood. She didn't mind that it shook the walls around her and rattled the broken shutters.

This place, as small, and as old as it was, provided sanctuary. An abandoned hunting shed in the forest that recently had offered hope to those who seemed hopeless. Wind howled around her in the night air outside and she shivered more, pulling her knees to her chest and stretching her coat around them.

A quick glance at her phone gave her a surge of panic. It was 10.08pm and it was not like Cheryl to be late. Not for (Y/N) anyway. She ducked her head down and blew warm breath into the little cavity between her legs and chest, trying to warm up.

"I bought coffee," She heard a sweet voice that made her head shoot up. Standing in front of her, illuminated by the lone candle in the middle of the floor, was the girl worth waiting for. She was stood tall and confidently, in true Cheryl fashion. She was also holding two cups of coffee.
"Anything for my girl," She smirked. (Y/N) returned the smile, jumping up and giving Cheryl a quick peck on the lips. She was about to speak when (Y/N) cut in first.

"Don't ruin my lipstick," (Y/N) exclaimed, mocking Cheryl as the pair collapsed on the couch together.

"Not yet anyway," Cheryl retorted. (Y/N) almost choked as she sipped on her coffee, causing Cheryl to smirk.

"I just want to cuddle actually," She whispered when (Y/N) had calmed down. The tone was all too familiar and she wrapped her arms around the redhead, allowing her to lean into her side.

"Rough day?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Cheryl nodded against her shoulder. The girls cuddled in silence for a few minutes, slowly sipping their coffee. Initially things between them had moved fast and passionately, but soon became more than just physical. Both girls wished each day away, unable to wait for the cover of night to finally be together. They had shared things they had never dared tell anyone else. Cheryl especially let go of her façade, and confided in (Y/N) what everyone had always known. She wasn't truly a bad person.

Cheryl took a deep breath in and sat up, taking (Y/N)'s coffee and placing it on the floor with her own. "Don't worry your pretty head with trivial things," (Y/N) mumbled, tucking a stray lock of red hair behind Cheryl's ear.

"You always say that," She quipped quietly, resorting to sass, although half-hearted, to calm herself. She moved so she was straddling the other girl, her hands snaking behind her neck. (Y/N) moved her hands to Cheryl's hips, thumbs stroking absentmindedly.

"I think I'm in love with you," Cheryl whispered so quietly as she ran her fingers softly over the nape of (Y/N)'s neck. It was so quiet (Y/N) thought she had imagined it. Her breath caught in her throat as she shifted under the red haired girl, more alert now. Cheryl blinked slowly, looking at the girl in front of her, bright-eyed. It was these moments that (Y/N) loved Cheryl the most. She was her true self. She was vulnerable, and kind. Cheryl always acted like she knew everything and was in control, but in reality she felt her world slipping through her fingers more and more with each passing day. She shifted uncomfortably under (Y/N)'s gaze.

"I-I'm sorry, I know we're not even really dating I-"

"No. I'm so in love with you Cheryl," (Y/N) sighed happily, grinning up at her. Cheryl was slightly taken aback. For once she didn't know what to say. So she pushed herself forward, closing the gap between their bodies with a firm kiss to (Y/N)'s lips. Cheryl's lips tasted sweet, like her cherry flavoured lipstick. Even though they had kissed before, (Y/N) felt like she was feeling everything for the first time again. She was so aware of Cheryl's soft lips, her touch on her neck, the warmth and closeness of her body. She was certain Cheryl felt the same way judging by the sweet smile on her face when they pulled away.

"I've wanted that for so long," Cheryl sighed happily, watching her fingers intertwine with (Y/N)'s in their lap. Stroking a perfectly painted red nail over the soft skin on her knuckles.

(Y/N) pulled her in close again, letting Cheryl nuzzle her face into the warm crook of her neck. Both girls felt safe and content. Nothing in this forsaken town could hurt them, not while they had each other.




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