Didn't See That Coming || Betty

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You wrapped your arms around Betty and let your face rest of her shoulder. "You're such a good friend Betty. I don't know how you put up with all my family drama," you mumbled into her shoulder.

Betty wrapped her arms around your waist. A sad smile danced on her lips, the edges of her mouth quirking upwards for only a second. "That's what best friends are for (y/n)." On the inside Betty was screaming. She couldn't handle this anymore. She wanted to tell you so much more but had to keep in all inside or else she could lose you forever. Losing you was worse than not being able to have you in the way Betty wanted.

You pulled away and saw a sadness hiding behind Betty's eyes. "Everything okay Betty?"

Betty nodded. "Yeah just....it's nothing." Betty grabbed her backpack and headed towards the door.

"See you tomorrow?"

You smiled. "Of course. Bye Betty."

Betty gave you a quick smile before she walked out of your door. You watched from the window as she walked to the side of the road where her mom was waiting for her. Your heart ached because you knew how many lectures Betty got from her mom about your friendship. You felt guilty because you wanted your friendship to go even further but you were scared Betty wouldn't feel the same way...I mean after all she was still kinda hung up on Archie. You didn't want to risk losing Betty.


Betty balled her hands into fists under the lunch table. "What?"

You smiled nervously. "Is it weird? I know we've never really talked about my sexuality or anything but it just kinda happened. Josie kissed me then asked me out and I just kinda said yes."

Betty swallowed the giant lump in her throat. "That's great (y/n), really Josie's amazing you guys are gonna be so cute together." Betty's heart sank with every word she uttered but she was your best friend first and she promised to always support you...even when that meant her heart breaking.
You sighed.

"That's a relief. I though you'd hate me or something."

Betty softened and reached for your hand. She looked you in the eye. "(y/n) I could never hate you, I love you." Betty froze, hearing the words that had just come out of her mouth.

"I mean you're my best friend."

Your heart seemed to pound in your ears. All you'd heard Betty say was "I love you."

Betty let go of your hand and stood up. "I gotta get to chem, I'll see you later?"

You nodded. "Of course Betts."

You watched her walk away and wondered if you'd made the right choice by trying to move on.


You giggled as Josie whispered sweet things in your ear. Your sister Cheryl had thrown a big party and everyone was there. Josie had just finished playing a set with her band. Now she had you on her lap. One hand on your thighs and the other tracing circled on your lower back. You were definitely a little turned on.

Meanwhile Betty was dying of jealousy across the room. She gripped her solo cup so hard her knuckles were white. Veronica walked up to Betty, followed her gaze, saw you and Josie, then sighed. "Betty you've gotta tell her how you feel."
Betty couldn't tear her gaze away from you.

"I can't do that V, look at her. She's got a girlfriend and she's happy. Besides I've told you a million times I don't want to ruin our friendship."

Veronica rolled her eyes. "Betty you wouldn't be ruining anything. Woman up and go tell the girl of your dreams how you feel."

Betty shook her head. "Can't do that Ronnie."

Veronica shook her head and turned towards you. "Fine if you don't I will." She began to walk away.

Betty tried to grab Veronica's arm but Ronnie was too far out. "Shit," Betty whispered.

Veronica walked up to you and grabbed your hand. "Can I steal your girl for a little bit Josie?"

Josie smiled. "Not me you should be asking Lodge."

Veronica turned to you. "Five minutes?"

You nodded and got up. You followed Veronica all the way to where Betty stood. You smiled. "Hey Betty, why haven't you come over to talk to me?"

Betty took a sip of her drink. "Oh I just, I don't know you seemed busy."

You touched her arm. "I'm never busy for you Betty."

Veronica looked at Betty. "(y/n) Betty has something she needs to tell you, right Betty?"

Betty looked at Veronica. "Nope, nothing."

Veronica arched her brows. "Really? Nothing?"

Betty smiled. "Nothing."

Ronnie sighed and turned to you. "So (y/n), let's say I have this friend who's totally in love with her best friend but is terrified she'll ruin the friendship. What do you think she should do?"

Betty's eyes widened. "Veronica!"

Veronica turned to Betty. "What? Just asking for advice for my friend." She turned back to you. "So what should she do?"

You looked back and forth between Betty and Veronica, unsure of what was going on. Then you looked at Betty, who seemed very nervous and fidgety. You turned to Veronica. "I think your friend should be honest. Even if her best friend doesn't feel the same way their friendship can handle if it's strong enough....and who knows," you turned to look at Betty and smiled, "maybe her best friend feels the same but was too scared to say anything."

Betty looked up at you, surprised. Veronica was also surprised. "Didn't see that coming," she whispered to herself.

You heard Josie call your name. "Sorry guys I gotta go." You gave Betty a quick hug then walked away.
Veronica turned to Betty. "You gotta tell her how you feel Cooper."


You were putting away your books in your locker when Betty walked up to you. Before you said anything she put a finger on your lips, shushing you. She took a deep breath.
"This is really hard for me to say but I just can't handle seeing you and Josie anymore I just get so jealous and it's not good for me or you or our friendship and I know you're happy with her and I love seeing you happy as your best friend I want the best for you but I also can't deny how I feel and," Betty took in a deep breath.

"I was ranting wasn't I?"
You nodded, her finger was still on your lips.

Betty smiled. "(y/n), I love you. I've been in love with you since forever and I just was so scared to tell you how I felt."
You slowly pulled Betty's finger away from your mouth and placed your lips on hers. You grabbed Betty by her shirt and pulled her closer to you. Her lips were warm and soft and you could taste her lip gloss. When you pulled away Betty was stunned.

"B- but you and Josie?" Was all she could manage.
You smiled. "I broke up with Josie last night. After Ronnie said the whole thing about her friend I realized it was you and I broke up with Josie. I like her a lot but Betty I've been in love with you too."

Betty's whole face lit up. "Really?"

You nodded. "Yeah I was going to tell you today but you beat me to it."

She smiled. "Oh, well uhm...do you maybe want to go to pop's tonight?"

You smiled back. "I'd love that Betty."

She slid her hand in yours. "Great because I love you." Betty kissed your cheek and walked you to class.

As you walked together in the hall you realized sometimes taking the risk was worth it.


CREDIT: ramblesandreviews

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