Midnight Sky || Cheryl

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To say that you were happy would be a complete understatement. You had moved to Riverdale when you were in the 7th grade, just before high school, and just before Cheryl had become the 'town villain.' Even though she had yet to bloom into the wicked redhead people had come to know her as today, she still had no friends- until you came along.

When you first moved to Riverdale, Cheryl had swept you under her wing right away. You would have sleepovers almost every weekend, doing normal preteen girl things like talking about crushes, doing each other's makeup, and watching romance movies that ended in you both crying.
Then you moved up to high school where both you and Cheryl became River Vixens. You two were known for being the badass duo attached at the hip. No one would ever think twice about messing with you two.

Everyone thought you two were just best friends so they would be surprised to know that you had unofficially been dating ever since the summer between freshman and sophomore year.

You had been the happiest when you were with Cheryl. Once you broke through her cold exterior, there was a soft, kind girl underneath just looking for someone to love her the way she deserves to be loved. Cheryl loved you back just as much, if not more.

You were an escape from her terrible parents who would verbally abuse her most of the time. Her parents always kept her in the shadow of her brother, the captain of the football team and Riverdale's golden boy. But to you, Cheryl shined brighter than any other person.

Cheryl had to keep your relationship a secret from her parents meaning she had to keep it a secret from everyone also because her parents had a habit of knowing everyone's little secrets. Her parents already treated her like crap and she didn't want to risk them getting any worse when she told them that you were in a relationship. Her parents would most likely make you break up claiming that you were distracting Cheryl from her schoolwork and cheerleading.

You did a lot of sneaking around late at night because of this making sure no one had seen anything that would suggest you were anything more than just friends. The good thing was the cheerleading took up most of you time, so you could always sneak glances at each other when no one was looking. You would still spend the night at each other's houses but would do other things than just watch romance movies.

You just had to be extremely careful when you did do things a normal couple would do. You had to wait till all the lights downstairs were out and everyone had gone to bed before you even moved anywhere near each other.
But tonight had been special. It called for more than just a sleepover or a milkshake at Pops. It had been a year since Cheryl had kissed you by Sweetwater River. The date had become so important in your life; it was the day that changed you forever.

The day before Cheryl had informed you that you would be going on date and to dress casually. Cheryl had never been the one to plan cute dates for you two. You always were the one who surprised her with roses unexpectedly or took her into town where you could spend the whole day shopping. So, when she had told you she had planned a cute little date, you had butterflies in your stomach just like when you went on your first date with her.

You dressed as she had told you in a black tank with a floral kimono and light jean shorts with Adidas superstars. However, you and Cheryl had completely different definitions of the word casual as she showed up in a red sleeveless top with a red string choker and a black pencil skirt paired with black high heels. That was a classic Cheryl move, though looking on top of her game always. Only a couple of times had you gotten her to wear a t-shirt and sweatpants.

Cheryl had driven you up to Sweetwater River where she had laid out a couple of blankets and candles with a picnic basket. When you walked down to the setup, your heart filled up with joy. You couldn't believe that you had such an amazing girl to call you own even if no one knew about it.

"I know it isn't much," Cheryl whispered, "But I just wanted to be with my girl, cuddled under the stars." Cheryl stepped behind you, wrapped her arms around your waist, and nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck.

"This is perfect, my love." You confessed while turning around in her arms giving a small sweet peck to her lips.

You stood there for a moment in her arms while you inhaled her floral perfume before walking down to the blanket and laying down throwing the blankets over the two of you.
You snuggled into her side and closed your eyes just taking in the moment.

"The stars are even brighter tonight than usual," Cheryl stated as you opened your eyes to peer up at the night sky. She was right the stars were shining brighter than you had ever remembered.

"Wow, they are beautiful." You awed, looking amazed up at the sky. You swore you could see one of the planets.
Cheryl looked over at you, utterly baffled at how such a kind girl like yourself would even give her a second glance.

"Well, there certainly is one thing that's more beautiful than these stars," Cheryl uttered as she looked directly into your eyes.

You couldn't help the tears that gathered in your eyes. They were tears of happiness, of course. You felt an overwhelmed feeling of safety and love being wrapped in Cheryl's arms under the stars.

"I love you so much, words couldn't describe it," You said under your breath as Cheryl whipped away the tears that escaped your eyes.

"I love you too," Cheryl said while she kissed your forehead and let you snuggle back into her side.


CREDIT: starboyreggie

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