Chapter 8: Like Multiple Personalities or Something

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Chapter 8: Like Multiple Personalities or Something

Going by another name and wearing a disguise gives a person a certain amount of power, making them untouchable from the realities of life. The power might come from the fact that they are hiding their true identity, and no one could possibly identify them, or because they are tuning into their inner superhero. But when I think abut it, it's probably the later.

I mean there is a reason that every hero that comes to mind has their super alternative.

Superman has Clark Kent with his glasses and day job at the local paper.

Spider-Man is Peter Parker living with his aunt in Brooklyn. And the Flash is the adorably nerdy Berry Allen.

They each have their super identity, then their 'hey, yeah, just your average dude' persona that they are at the end of the day.

I think that my preppy girl get up was my super alternative. I could be anything in it without judgement from my peers. But when I shed it, I'm back to being 'just that average girl.'

I know that all the great superheroes get hope from being themselves, they tune into their human side. But in my eyes, hope is just a denial of reality. And the reality of the matter is being me puts me at risk of getting hurt. It makes me breakable. It makes me weak. And there is just something about being weak that I could never accept, even when I was willingly trying to be myself.

Which is why, even as cliché as it sounds, I went by another name, my middle name. Marilyn. Which is the name that has been bouncing off the walls of the school all day.

Rumors float around about me, as both Quinn and Marilyn, and most of them prove how truly stupid most of the population here at Athens High actually is.

"I heard that Marilyn is replacing Quinn after their mother sent her to boarding school on Sunday." One girl whispers to her friend, as I pass by them.

The other girl lowly whispers to her friend, "I don't know. I heard that Marilyn just got out of jail and they hate each other."

I just roll my eyes as I continue my way to my locker. The fact that none of them could put all the puzzle pieces together was troubling. I mean teachers have been calling be Quinn all day. And the fact that the same day the 'Quinn' disappears, 'Marilyn' reappears, its just so evident. I mean they would all make terrible detectives.

Thank the lord they aren't solving my murder. That mystery would probably go unsolved for eternity.

After gathering the books I'll need for tonight, I make my way to the locker room, today is the first day of soccer practice, and being captain means that I have to be there obviously.

The team during tryouts seemed pretty nice, but you can never tell when they are actually being nice or when they are simply just putting up a front, which is probably what most of them were doing because the second I step foot into the locker room, I get a bunch of looks of disgust.

I chuckle silently and ignore their glares as I make my way to my gym locker, that is until one girl decides to be bold and stop me right as I start twisting the dial for my combo.

"Marilyn, you may be back, but that is Quinn's locker. She is the captain of this team, and that locker is reserved for her." She says as she holds me by the wrist, looking straight down at me.

I smirk at her, and raise my eye brows at her as I rip my hand away, "Girly, I'm the captain of this team. Meaning that this is my locker." I tell her, and she just shakes her head 'no' trying to fight that nervous glint in her eyes.

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