Chapter 9: He Never Told Me

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Chapter 9: He Never Told Me

As children we look up to our parents. We thrive off the stories they tell us about when they were young and were at the peak of their existence, about all of their struggles, mishaps, fortunes, and happiness. They tell us their stories over and over again, but we can never get enough. It reminds us that before they were old with a big house, a hard job, and a family, they were young like us- being just as stupid, crazy, and immature.

Eventually though, we grow up, and after hearing the same stories time for the millionth time over again, it becomes tiresome. The stories we once begged for at bedtime are now used in lectures about our own stupidity, craziness, and immaturity. They become the reason we can't go out tonight, the reason we got grounded, the reason we can't see that one stupid friend anymore. Those same stories we once thrived on, are now used as a punishment.

But the punishment isn't always intended, sometimes as we look up to our parents as our guides through life we take their stories as life examples, and infer them as our own personal punishments. To me hearing the stories that go around my dinner table right now is my own personal punishment, though I doubt my parents, well at least my dad, never intended for it to ever be one.

They invited one of their old college buddy's and his family who just moved to town over for dinner tonight, and while the guys family isn't here yet, we are just sitting around the dining room table munching on appetizers and drinks awaiting for them as they rehash the past.

It's story after story of accomplishments made by my parents that most won't ever be able to mark off their bucket list in their entire life, and they are barely middle age.

With my mother it's her being valedictorian of both her high school and college class. Her being the proud governor of Georgia. Not to mention her climbing and touring all of Ancient Greece, all the while pregnant with me, right after college graduation.

Let's just say I was the surprise that wasn't going to hold her back.

Then there's dad, sweet old dad who was the star quarterback on his high school football team, captain of his soccer team in not only high school but college too, and president of his frat in college. Now he runs Hemmings Inc, which was passed down to him from his parents.

Hearing about my parents stories makes me feel sick to my stomach. It makes me feel like I have accomplished nothing in my life so far, and I'll never be able to achieve half of what they have. And that makes me so scared.

"Quinn, sweetheart, could you please go get the door?" My mother asks me, breaking me out of my thoughts, and I simply nod and head towards the door, but before I could even step foot out of the dining room my mom stops me, "Oh, and sweetheart, if it's Benji's family, please do let them in." I just nod once again and start my way out of the dining room.

But before I could even make it past the threshold of the room, I am met by three figures I am assuming is Benji's family, and instantly widen my eyes with recognition of all three.

"Quinn, princess, don't just stand their come sit back down." My father calls from behind me, but I stay rooted in place, staring at the three figures, one giving me a warm, loving smile, one a friendly smile, and another a devious smirk.

Tonight is not the night.

"Quinn, it's so lovely to see you after so long!" Heather says as she embraces me in a warm hug, then after an awkward pat on the back, a wink sent my way from her, she moves to go sit next to Benji.

He never told me his mom remarried.

"Hey Quinn." Scar says as she makes her way to her seat, patting my back as she passes.

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