Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*A Special Treat since I reached 1k reads today!!!!!!*

Judgement is all around, no matter where a person may be or may go, judgment will always be constant. I guess that's the one thing in life that is always there. Whether it be judgment for wearing sock and sandals or judgement for dancing and singing in the yard like a drunk girl on drugs, judgement is always there.

And not matter how much a person wants to be a saint. To never judge another, every laugh, comment, and support for something against another person is judgement. I guess that's why we all retreat to the safety of friends, our rooms, and keeping embarrassing facts to ourselves. Others will always judge.

But there's no honor in staying hidden away, there's no safety in lies that get passed, and keeping to ourselves seems like an obsolete drag.

"Attention students of Xavier High, I have a special announcement to make." I call out to everyone as I stand on the cafeteria table, all eyes on me. It's honestly helping me with my confidence to have everyone staring.

I smile, wave, and keep my fake smile on my face as I slowly turn my body toward the direction I face everyday at lunch. The one table I can always count on getting a heated gaze from. And just like alway I get the natural glare of James, I don't think he'll ever forgive me for ditching them. And and confused but smiley face from Tony.

"As we all know, our school is full of secrets, lies, and most of all judgment." I announce making a few people look away or look down at their food.

"Which is normal, we're in high school, if you don't lie, keep secrets, and judge others then you're not normal." A group of boys laugh and I just glare at them causing them to stop, "However, our high school is different. We judge each other too much, have way too many secrets, and you would think we are trying to get out of driving your 90 year old grandma to her dentist."

The cafeteria remains silent, everyone with a wary face as an evil smirk creeps onto my lips. "So as I said before I have a special announcement, I will be revealing secrets that seem appropriate to share as of recent events. So without further ado I will get started."

I look around the room, trying to decide who to pick first until I see Amelia Jones, a girl that used to be one of my "best friends" in middle school, crouching low to the ground trying to leave through the side door to the cafeteria. First target found.

"Amelia Jones, dear girl, it's not quite ladylike to be bending over that low to the ground." I exclaim in mock excitement, effectively startling her, making her jump up, her eyes wide.

"As you probably remember- due to your try to sneak out- we used to be best friends in middle school." Slowly she nods her head as all eyes turn to her expectingly. "So it would be obvious that we know some things about each other, right?" Again she nods her head, I smirk, and continue, "and I do remember you telling me the very first day of high school that you were only friends with me because of my family's money, and you started the trend of calling me Marilyn."

"Yeah." She agrees shakily, and I smile.

"You know it's annoying having people call you by your middle name. But I got used to it. And to be honest you weren't the first or last to use me for my family money. What can I say, my dad's a rich nerd and my mom's a woman with power, and a trust fund." I shrug.

I keep eye contact with her, and watch as she shakes in her 6 inch heels. I honestly am glad she dumped me as a friend, she's one of the girls that sleeps around a lot, and wears really sketchy clothes, but still. Punishment must be served.

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