Chapter 18

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(So... finally picked out a Quinn Marilyn Hemmings it's the amazing Lucy Hale)

Chapter 18

Secrets are confessions we are sworn to never tell.

Everyone has secrets. URanging in size, whether it be the smallest of deeds like eating the last cookie or the biggest confession that would shatter the earth if told.

Secrets are meant to be kept, to ones self, or to a person of trust. After all that is the whole point of a secret, to not be told. Because no matter the size, each secret has a cost.

But theirs a guilty pleasure in knowing and having secrets. It's like lying, but better, because with lying people can accuse you of having poor integrity, but when keeping secrets it's seen as "honorable" and "loyal."

But at some point, honor and loyalty must be broken in order to keep the balance of the world. Secrets are meant to be kept, but when a betrayal takes place, secrets are one of the first things that are on the block of revenge. Which is why secrets are meant to never be told.

"Great job ladies!" I observe as the song comes to an end and the girls finish the dance. It has been a week since I talked to Mrs. Jace and had Cleo demoted to just a regular cheerleader. I've changed the song to an Ed Sheeran remix and of course changed the dance.

"Okay so gather around, I want to have a group discussion before we leave," I call out to everyone. "So as we all know, this weekend is our last completion of the year, and I just want to say each of year have done a damn amazing job working your asses off all year." I say happily, which receives claps all around, along with Cleo's eye roll but I choose to ignore that.

"I also want to remind all of you that we are going to be wearing the old uniform for this completion. Not the new one."

A few of the girls snort, and Jamiee raise her hand, "Yeah Jamiee?"

"Why are we wearing the old one again? It's so..." She bites her lip and rolls her eyes, "Old lady-ish." She insists, pouting, which causes me to try to suppress my eye roll.

"Agreed." Cleo interjects, "We def wont win if we wear those old rags."

"Well ladies, I'm sorry to say but we're going to win no matter what we wear." I admit, which causes all the girls that have always agreed with Cleo to snort.

"So then it's decided, we wear the new uniform." Cleo exclaims happily clapping her hands together, stepping in front of me.

I just raise my eyebrows and look at the back of blonde head. Is she really doing this? "So ladies, remember wear the new uniform this Saturday." Cleo emphasizes the word 'new'.

Yep, she's doing this.

I side step Cleo so we're side by side, but as I do I yank her pony tail, causing her to let out a scream, gaining everyone's attention, including heir's.

"Oh good, everyone is paying attention. Okay ladies. I am sick and tired of this bullshit." I state bluntly crossing my arms, "I am captain and your are going to listen, or you can quit and this whole year of work can be for nothing." I conclude, shrugging my shoulders as if this is nothing.

"You can't do that!" Felicia, one of Cleo's followers, exclaims trying to play it off, but you can see the fear in her eyes, making me smirk.

"Oh but dear, I can. I am captain of this team. And Mrs. Jace gave me power to do whatever the hell I want." I retort.

"Did you seriously just pull my hair?!" Cleo asks, is she still on that? What is with this girl.

"Yes Cleo, yes I did. Now keep up." I tell her, then turn back to the other girls. "We are going to be wearing the old uniforms Saturday. If you don't, just say you quit now." I tell simply, giving them time to decide.

Cleo turns towards me, whispering in my ear, "Tread carefully. I still own you bitch."

I smirk rolling my eyes at her stupid comment, she cant touch me if she wants to keep her spot on this team. And I'm sure I can get her thrown off the softball team too if I really wanted to.

"I don't think you do." I disagree, pushing her back a few steps, "If anything I own you."

"Hey ladies, any of you want to take any guesses of who had a pregnancy scare last year?" Cleo asks, smirking evilly at me, as she walks to the other side of the circle of cheerleaders, towards her little minions.

"Cherry Oliver?" Jamiee asks confusedly.

"No, well yeah Cherry did, but so did our very own Ms. Quinn Marilyn Hemmings." And instantly all eyes were on me and the gym was entirely silent.

I never knew Cleo would stoop this low. She knew how scared I was. She knew what would happen if this secret got out. She knew my mother would destroy anything that would make our family name look bad, and a pregnant teen, one that wasn't married, and no boyfriend was certainly the thing that would end me. It would cause a nuclear disaster.

"Yes, but that's not all. Do you know who the guy was?"

"Cleo." I warn.

"It was-"

"Cleo has had sex with each of your boyfriends, at least once. She is also sleeping with her mothers boyfriend." I blurt out, causing gasps and shouts to erupt, and for all focus to be drawn to Cleo, her face turning a beat red from embarrassment.

What she chose this path.

"Remember ladies, she is can't be trusted. So I recommend you take a step back, she might start sleeping with your dads too. You never know how sex crazed she is." I tell them, and slowly, every single one of them take fearful steps away from Cleo.

Cleo still too embarrassed to talk just stands there as I dismiss everyone who gives her dirty looks as they leave.

And once everyone one is gone, I pick up my bag, ready to go home and shower myself, but stop right in front of Cleo. "Just remember, you choose your own path in life Cleo. You dare breath one word of any of the secrets I thought I could trust you with, I swear on everything that is good and bad in this world and the next I will ruin you." I warn her, bumping shoulders as I continue walking.

But right as I was about to walk out of the doors, Cleo yells out to me, making me stop. "How could you ruin me? I'm the Queen."

I turn towards her one last time and shake my head laughing humorlessly, "Cleo, we both know that's not true. There's a reason why I've always been first choice, in everything we do." She opens her mouth about to argue with me, but I stop her by holding up my hand, "You're off the team. Don't bother coming to practice or talking to Mrs. Jace. I'll let her know later. Oh, and tell your dear boyfriend that you hide, that he should stay with you, after all he's been trying to get with me for the last two years." And with that walk out of the gym, my chin held high, my heart beating fast, and my brain whirling with excitement.

I think secrets were meant to be told, at least other people's.

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