Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Sex. The intimate action between two people in which could have life changing consequences.

Sex. The intimate action between two individuals as a way to get release.

Sex. The intimate action between two people that is just something to do.

All three statements about sex is true. However, for myself, I hold sex as something that is supposed to be special. And though now I have had sex with six boys, not once have I regretted it. At the time each of those boys meant something special to me.

Well except for the last. All I have figured out is that MK is my brother's friend, and that is it. I have no idea why he was so pained when I couldn't remeber anything. I have no idea why he was acting so clingy after waking up next to me. And for that I think that is the reason why I don't regret sleeping with him.

It seems like he truly cared for me, the girl he had met the night before, deeply.

But anyway, that's not the point right now. Right now, the point is convincing myself that going back to school is a good idea. That I have no reason to be ashamed, scared, or freaked simply by walking the halls of my school.

I shouldn't care what my peers think. I shouldn't care that Will slept with Cleo. I shouldn't care that Cleo is a two face. I shouldn't care. But I do.

Will got mad at me because I slept with four other guys, but not once was it a boy that he was best friends with. Not once did I decide to make flirty faces with James or Tony.

It think it's funny how this whole problem started with the number of guys I slept with, and I just added another to the list. Won't Will be estatic?

I can do this. I tell myself as I stare at the brick building of my school.

And with that final reassurance I step out of my car, grabbing my backpack from my passenger seat, ad start heading to the entrance of the school. Everyone steps aside for me, parting like the red sea, and I can hear the whispers bouncing off the walls; but I continue walking. I will not let them get to me.

When I get to my locker, the feeling of prying eyes bleed into my back, side, head, everywhere. There really is no escape. I hear my name being utter from their mouths as I grab my chem book. And I see the look of pity, sympathy, and disgust out of the corner of my eyes.

I hate this.

I hate them.

I hate the dread in my stomach, but there is no way to stop it. Not unless I can go back about 18 years and prevent Will from being born.

But unfortunately I cant be that guy from Back to the Future.

So I continue on with getting my books, and walk to class. Not once getting a moment of peace with the following eyes. And as soon as I stepped into my class, I knew it wasn't going to be okay. I should have begged to live with my brother and transfer to a school in the city.

I was the fifth one in the room, and as soon as I stepped foot inside the threshold, all eyes were on me. But when the bell rung, and the others started to file in, every pair of eyes darted to me when they pasted the door. Some blantantly turned around and stared at me.

There was no way out of this situation. Especially when Tony and Grant walk into the room, their eyes never leaving mine as they both make their way to my lab area. And though Tony has reason to be in this class, James does not. He was never a fan of chemistry, so obviously AP Chem was not his choice for senior science.

"Quinn." Tony says lowly, his normal playful attitude long gone, and reason why he's considered a bad boy is all too clear. His glare is being directed towards me, and his jaw is clenched.

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