Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

The lyrics to the song, Singing in the Rain pop into my head as I stare out my bedroom window. Well the basic lyrics. Okay, the title and the really chatty tune, but that's enough to make my mind wonder.

When I was little I remember my dad and I playing in the rain. Jumping in puddles together, getting mud all over our clothes; our very expensive clothes that mom would later scold us for ruining, but that never really stopped us. Now that I think about it, I think her absolute distaste for our muddy clothes and childish activity was what encouraged the two of us to play in the rain every single time it rained. And each of those times were the times of my life.

But as I got older, we slowly stopped playing in the rain. I think it was around middle school when the chatty tune of that silly throwback song got old and we no longer were dancing our craziness in the rain. Dad got busier with the company, mom constantly insisted we look presentable, and my brother, Theo, did become a tech genius. So the fact I was left in the dust, or maybe I should say the rain, shouldn't be surprising.

Right now though, I cant help but remember all the great times I've ever had playing in the rain. And with that, the idea of getting dressed in an expensive couture outfit, and expensive shoes, then run outside and start jumping in every single puddle bombards my brain, and takes over.

But should I?

Probably not. My mother will kill me.

And after a while the rational side of my brain takes over and I finally decide jumping in puddles of mud is probably the worst I idea at the moment. I'm already treading on thin ice with my mom, and I really can't afford to break that ice. Because me being my crazy daunting self, I will probably fall through that ice with a single crack. And unfortunately I am both too young and too childishly pretty to go to jail.

So I settle for watching movies. Specifically Marvels Avengers origin stories.

That is until my phone decides it wants to interrupt my enjoyable evening with a text message.

It's your favorite type of weather. Now answer your phone. -Will

What. The. Fuck?!

I can't help but scoff at how casual he's acting right now. Like we were the best of friends, and nothing happened a few nights ago, as if I shouldn't feel as if my heart still feels like it stabbed a few times then had alcohol deep into the cuts.

The ringing of the home phone brings me out of my seething, and I quickly answer it. "Hello?"

"Miss Hemmings, you have a Mr. William Gold here waiting for you." Jonah, the guard at the gate says through the phone, the fact that he has a distaste for Will is all to clear in his voice. "Should I let him in?"

What is he doing here? Why is he even here?

"Ask him why he's here."

Muffled voices and a honk of a horn can be heard through the phone and I can't help but roll my eyes. "He keeps saying that he needs princess." And instantly, my heart speeds up and my stomach clenches just at that little mention. "He said he won't leave until he sees her. Miss Hemmings, should I call the police?" Jonah asks, I can almost picture the smirk playing on his lips.

"No, let him in now." And with that I hang up, walking to the door to meet Will, and as soon as I swing the door open, Will is already standing on my porch,droplets of water clinging to his already dark curls, making them a darker shade that is starting to lay on his forehead. He face holds so much heart break with reddish purple circles that line the bottom of his eyes, and the distinct cut on his lower lip.

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