Chapter 20-Final Chapter

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Chapter 20- final chapter!!!!

School is important, but the fact that it's finally over, I finally feel as if I can breath.

I think it's funny though, graduation is something that everyone looks forward to, however it's one of the most life changing events in our lives, at least for some.

For those going into the workforce graduation marks the day, school can no longer get in the way. But for those going to college, it simply marks the day that we have one short summer then off- living on our own, and continuing school in August.

However, graduation also marks the day in which, for most of us, we will ever see each other.

And honestly I couldn't be happier.

So as I sit on stage, my fellow students before me, Cleo to my left and inkling thought of "accidentally" pushing her off the stage, I study every face in the crowd.

Everyone is dressed in their cap and gowns, which in my opinion make us all look like we're wearing polyester sleeping bags, I can't help but notice the nervous faces as our principal talks to us.

However, I also notice a certain boy, isn't here. His annoying handsome features aren't present still in the seas of graduates, and for that I become annoyed. How could he miss one of the most important days of our lives? Of his life?

I know he's back in town. I know Will is back, I've known he was back for the last month. But he never bothered to show me his face. He continues to act mysterious, allowing everyone to believe that he's still gone.

I guess this really is the end. It was a not so beautiful break. And true I'm spending the summer alone, here at home, I doubt I'll ever see him again.

"And now graduates of Xavier High School, please stand as you turn your tassels to the right side of your caps." The principal happily says. "Congratulations class of 2017, you have done well." As caps fly into the air.

Soon we all leave, placing each of us outside, looking for our families.

I know my mother and father isn't here, leaving only my brother Theo, and his girlfriend Rosi. And that's if they decided to show up.

But at last, after shoving my way through the crowd. Countless students asking to take pictures with me. I spot my brother in one of the many expensive suits he owns, and Rosi in a black Valentino dress, looking absolutely stunning. But with them is MK, standing there in all his expensive glory.

"My little sister is all grown up." Theo basically shouts, as he embraced me in a hug.

I push him away, annoyed that basically everyone is starring now, "Shut ip. I'm way more grown up than you and you're now 21." I tell him with a roll of the eyes.

"Congratulations Quinn." Rosi says shyly as she clings to my brother. I smile and thank her. I can tell both are happy.

"So any summer plans?" My brother asks, and just shrug my shoulders at him.

"There was, but with everything that happened these past months, I canceled." I tell him.

"What were they?"

"Umm an internship/mentor ship in London. I going to be training little kids in soccer, as well as being trained myself by players from Manchester United." I tell them as if it's no big deal, but it is. Only a select few get offered this opportunity, and it's rarely ever girls.

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