It's Because I Love You - Taylor Caniff Imagine

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It’s Because I Love You - Taylor Caniff Imagine

Your POV

I strolled down the sidewalk of my neighborhood, still a little bit tired from having to wake up so early this morning. Gracie waved goodbye to me as she stopped at the front door to her house. She and I were the only ones on our bus for this stop, and it was always a pleasure to get to talk to her on the way home. Our neighborhood was small, mostly senior citizens living around here. Gracie and I were the only teenagers other than this boy who lived next door to me, named Taylor. We’d been best friends for practically our whole lives, our mothers having met in the hospital when we were born on the same day. I’d grown up with him and I couldn’t ask for a better best friend. He went to a different school though, and I didn’t get to see him much during the day.

I glanced over at the purple flowers growing in the bed in my front yard. They looked cute surrounding the peach tree. The sun shined down on my face, and the breeze blew my hair about. My white loose tank top fluttered and jean shorts were causing my legs to sweat. Gross.

“Hey!” I heard a voice call. It was deep and had a very distinctive accent. Taylor. I looked up, seeing the boy jogging towards me, wearing khaki shorts, a grey tank top and a blue bandana around his head. He smiled at me, his braces shining in the sun. They were cute.

As he approached me, I dropped my backpack and reached out to receive him in a hug. “Hey, Taylor,” I said. His hugs felt so sweet.

Taylor’s POV

I was finally going to tell her. I was going to tell her how much I loved her. I’d loved her ever since I met her… practically my whole life. She was the sweetest thing, not to mention beautiful, smart, funny, creative, everything I’d ever wanted in a girl. And most of all, she put up with me. What more could I ask for?

“Hey, so listen,” I said simultaneously as her. I laughed to myself as her giggle made my stomach turn in head over heels adoration. “You go first,” I said, trying to be gentlemanly.

“Okay,” she said, a smile on her face, “there’s this guy at school.” My heart sunk at her words. There was a guy? “He’s perfect. Attractive, smart, athletic. I really want him to ask me out,” she said, the smile never leaving her face. I tried to cover up my disappointment, trying to support her. But my heart was dying at her words. I’d waited forever for this. I’d finally perked up the courage to finally tell her!

“Oh,” I said. I knew my voice was going to crack if I tried to say anything else. I took a deep breath, avoiding her eye contact. It was too much.

“Are you okay? You look upset,” she said. I still stared at the ground, biting my lip. I scratched the back of my neck with my hand, trying not to show how genuinely hurt I was.

“Yea… yea,” I said.

“Oh… okay. I wonder if you know him,” she continued. “His name is Jack. Jack Gilinsky?” I looked up at her. She liked Jack? He was such a jerk! So conceited. All he ever cared about was how many girls he could get in his bed each weekend. “What?” she asked, obviously confused at why I looked so angry.

“I can’t believe you like him! He’s such a JERK, Y/N!” Taylor yelled.

“What do you mean?” she screamed at me. “I thought you would be happy that I finally found someone!”


Oh gosh.

I did not just let that slip out.

Especially right now.

Y/N looked shocked. She stood there, mouth slightly open. All anger was gone from her eyes, and her hands were still. “Wh… what?”

“I-I love you, Y/N. So much. I’ve loved you since before I can remember and I was going to tell you today, but then you came out with the whole thing about Jack and I just got upset and I’m sorry but I just needed to…”

She kissed me. Full on. Hardcore. Passionately.

Her hands were on my cheeks and her body was pressed up against mine. I could feel her standing on her tip-toes. I was a little shocked at first, but then wrapped my arms around her, picking her up so I could kiss her more. It was everything I’d waited for.

“I love you.”

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