1... 2... 3... - Aaron Carpenter Imagine for Carly

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1... 2... 3... - Aaron Carpenter for Carly

I knocked on the Carpenters’ door. I could hear some light music playing from inside; some of the windows were cracked open. I stood for a couple seconds before I heard someone turn the doorknob from inside. “Hey!” Dustyn said, smiling at me. “Come on in, Carls!” I stepped into the house and slipping off my flip flops, leaving them next to the door. I breathed in the amazing scent of barbeque and smiled to myself.

Summer barbeques were my favorite, and we had one with our next door neighbors, the Carpenters, every other week during the summer. We’d leaved next door my whole life, and I’d grown up with their boy, Aaron. I’d loved him ever since I was a kid… but he never really liked me. At least it didn’t seem like it. As we walked into the kitchen, I saw my mom and dad having a beer with Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter. Aaron’s parents smiled at me and waved. “Hey, Carly. You hungry?” Mrs. Carpenter asked.

“Of course!” I exclaimed. “This smells awesome!”

“Well, dig in, girlie!” Mr. Carpenter smiled at me. They were such nice parents. Soon enough, I heard loud footsteps banging down the stairs. “I HEARD DIG INAND I WANT FOOD!” Aaron’s voice shouted above the music playing. I giggled when I saw him, dressed in khaki shorts and a blue and white t-shirt. His red vans banged against the floor as he screeched to a stop by my side.

After filling up our plates to the brim, cole slaw falling off the side, Aaron brought me up to his room so we could eat together. I sat on his floor, and he sat across from me. The room was bright, one window open and allowing the warm summer night breeze flow in nicely. It was relaxing… just smelling like summer.

“Oh, I love nights like these,” I smiled, gazing out the window.

“Me, too,” Aaron sighed. “You know…”

“Yeah?” I asked, my mouth full with four chips or so.

“There’s something else I love,” Aaron continued. “Or someone.”

I stared down at my plate. I wonder who it was this time. “Oh.”

“You know who it is?” he asked. I could feel his eyes on me… his loving, sweet eyes. But I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.

“No,” I said. “But I know who I love.” I guess I could tell him. It would be totally embarrassing, but I guess there’s no turning back now.

“Really?” he said, his eyebrows rising. I saw something fall in his eyes.

“Yeah,” I responded, playing with my food on my fork.

“How about we both say who we love at the same time?”


“Ready?” Aaron said.

“1…” I said.

“2…” he said.


“You!” we both said at the same time.

“Wait…” Aaron said.

“Me?” I asked.

“Me?” he asked.

“Yes, you,” he said.

“Yes, you,” I said.

“You love me?” Aaron asked.

“Yes, I established that a couple seconds ago,” I said, blushing madly.

“Oh. Well, in that case, I love you, too,” he said, smiling. “Carly?” he asked. I could see the happiness bright in his eyes. My heart fluttered like a butterfly. I looked up at him. I could feel his body coming closer to mine… it felt… good… right. His hand reached out and he placed it on the side of my neck, gently pulling me towards him. And right as I closed my eyes, I felt Aaron’s soft lips on mine. 

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