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" I'm such an Idiot" Kageyama sighed as he rolled around in his bed restlessly.  Kageyama looked at his phone, picked it up and dialed a certain number he knew by heart. He lifted it up to his ears and listened to the ring that replayed itself over and over again.

" Hello..."

" Hinata!?" Kageyama whispered some what surprised that he actually picked up.

" Yes Kageyama, are you okay?" Hinata asked concern dripping threw the phone.

" I wanted to say that, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to force myself on you-"

" I know Kageyama, I know, you was frustrated and angry."

" That doesn't mean it's excusable for what I did, to make it up to you let's go to the movies." Kageyama suggest and smirked when he heard a gasp of excitement from his smaller boyfriend.

" REALLY! YAY!" Hinata squeaked into the phone. After a small conversation about random stuff had ended they said their goodnights and went to bed.




" What movie do you wanna watch?"

" Kageyama you can pick, it really doesn't matter as long as I'm with you." Hinata said honestly smiling up at Kageyama. Kageyama turned the other direction hiding his blush.

" Hello Hinata, King...." a familiar voice came from behind them.

" oh Tsukishima! where's Yamaguchi?" Hinata asked rushing over to the tall blond, and to Kageyama's displeasure letting go of his hand.

" I told him to go without me, mind if I join you guys." Tsukishima asked with a smirk directed towards Kageyama earning a glare.

" Of course you can!" Hinata answer, voice full of happiness. He ran the rest of the way toward the tall blonde, grabbing his sleeve and dragging him towards Kageyama, and they began their walk to practice. Even thought it was the weekend unlike other school's they practiced on the weekend. It wasn't weird but who wants to spend their Saturday all sweaty and sore. As they walked in they was greeted by everyone and was told to hurry up and get changed.

" Alright guys let's get started! if you guys do good then maybe I'll treat everyone to BBQ!" Ukai announced. 

" YEA!" Tanaka ran around the gym shirtless while carrying Hinata on his back,and Noya also shirtless right behind them. 

" AY! calm down before you hurt someone." Suga yelled with concern in his voice. 

After they calmed down a bit they was finally able to start practice. They did one on one matches to practice on their recieves and serves. Then they jogged around the school and after many, many laps around the school they took a break.

" I'm so tired...and the day just got started!" Noya whined while he squirted his water bottle into his mouth with Tanaka agreeing with him.

" Come on now, my senpai's can't be slacking on me already!" Hinata joked playfully, but Noya and Tanaka took it to the heart. They both had oversized tears streaming down their faces and their fist held high up in the air.

" WE WILL MAKE YOU PROUD!" They chanted as they began to run another lap again, with Hinata giggling lightly with Yamaguchi.

" AY! get back here you bakas!" Daichi sighed as the two kept running. As everyone else besides Kageyama and Tsukkishima laughed.

Tsukki POV ^.^

I couldn't help but stare at the small ginger as he laughed with Yamaguchi, His smile could literally light up the room if he wanted it too. Sometimes I wonder how did Kageyama get him of all people, well I can't really say anything either since people say me and Kageyama are some what similar but I don't see it. For some reason that shrimp found it's way into my heart, and every time I'm with him I just want to pick him up and runaway with him, but I guess that's kidnapping so that's a no. When I found out that the King was dating my Shrimp a couple of months ago I couldn't help but feel angry, sad, and jealous but It didn't and I made sure it didn't show on my face. I been scheming and everything to make sure that one day Hinata would be mine, this is only just a test you might say. An experiment in which Kageyama selfishness will get the better of him and cost him his relationship.

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