~ 9 ~

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Hinata ran up to the other team and leaped up into the air.

" Shoyou how many times do I have to-" Kenma sentence was interrupted as he was tackled to the ground in a bear hug. Kenma let out a sigh as he rubbing his fingers through the curly locks of red hair. Shoyou let out a giggle before looking up at his friend with amber eyes that were filled with glee.

" I missed you! Let's play games on your phone!" Shoyou spoke.

" So that's what's this is all about huh." Kenma laughed as he got up from under Hinata and held out to hand to help the small ginger up. Hinata graciously took the hand, sliding small soft hands into Kenma's before lifting himself up off the ground. Kenma would have ignored it but it was too entertaining not to, the faces of the two freshmen were priceless. The raven-haired setter looked ready to buster in fury and the blonde was trying hard to compress his face to its normal look, but the way his hands were gripping, veins showing under his skin it was so obvious what was going on. Kenma would keep it to himself now but something was telling him that things were going to get interesting.




" So, this is our room?" Tanaka asked.

" A lot bigger than the last time, and they have closets too!" Noya cheered.

" Settle down now, Coach told us we have 30 minutes to unpack and put on our practice uniform. So no fooling around. " Suga informed while unpacking and folding his clothes. He sighed as he watched the two second years dump their clothes in the middle of the room.

" You shouldn't do that! what if you get your underwear mixed together." Yamaguchi stuttered

" Well, it wouldn't be the first time I slipped a pair of his on." Noya admitted and was met with the cringing face of Yamaguchi as he held the bile that was about to present itself in the room, showing all its glory.

" Looks like your ready." Ashai smiled at the small ginger as he was already stretching, preparing for the hard labor that was soon to come.

" Yeah, I feel like I haven't touched a ball in forever. I'm excited!" Hinata pumped his fist in the air showing how excited he was.

" I can see." Ashai chuckled as he pulled his white T-shirt over his head. Everyone's head turned as the door opened.

" Lev-san?!" Hinata gasped.

" Sorry, my stomach was having some technical difficulties so I couldn't greet you guys outside. "

" Okay.....well bye now." Tsukishima scoffed as Lev began to whine about how rude he was being.

" Oh, yea! Hinata, do you remember..." Lev spoke, a change in his voice from his usually hyper voice into a darker more mysterious one. It caught the attention of the rest of the team as most wondered what he meant by that. They watched as Hinata smiled while putting a finger in front of his mouth.


what the-

" Okay, what's going on here?! Hinata explain!"

" It's a secret." Hinata laughed as he skipped out of the room towards the gym.

" I wonder what was that all about." Yamaguchi wondered out loud.

" Who know's probably another one of his pranks he got Hinata caught up in." Daichi sighed.




Of course, it was...

Kuroo was chasing the two freshmen around the gym covered in pink and green string, his face red full of anger. Lev seemed ready to pass out but Hinata was completely fine, he seemed to enjoy the chase.

" ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH! EVERYONE HUDDLE UP! "Ukai called for his players.

" Don't think this is over. " Kuroo growled.

" I can't take you seriously with all that string on your face " Hinata laughed as he plucked a few of the strings off his face. On the other side of the court who was watching the whole scene couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

" Since when did Hinata become so friendly. " Kageyama growled.

" Since forever King, and what are you growling about. there's no reason for you to be mad." Tsukishima smiled a little as Kageyama glared at him. Not saying any words but the look of " Say one more thing or I'll kill you " says it all.  Tsukshima decided not the press that matter and walked off, leaving Kageyama salty.




" I suppose I can let you off the hook this, but Lev on the other hand. Since you love jokes so much I have a joke for you." Kuroo snickered. Lev gulped as he kinda already knew what was coming but didn't want to believe it.

" 25 laps around the gym after practice." 


" hahaha Just kidding that was a joke, I meant 50." Lev sighed in defeat, cursing the small ginger mentally in his head for being so cute and loveable. That's probably why Hinata accepted back the before he left the last training camp, he wouldn't lose anything out of it.

" Well played Shoyou...well played..."

( Okay here is Chapter 9 *^* I hopes this makes up..... not really but just a little?.....no ;-; okay -.-  OH and sorry this is so short! I wanted to continue but I'm getting tired and I wanted to post chapter 9 before heading to bed! Okay bye bye!)

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