Chapter Fourteen

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Shout out to beGRACEful for making this amazing cover!

Chapter Fourteen

Reaching into my closet, I feel my hands brush the shirt I've been searching for and I pull it out, dropping a few hangers along the way. I hold it over my body and examine it in the full-body length mirror hanging on the inside of my closet door. It's a simple, flowy blouse with the shoulders cut out and a design cut into the back. Turning around, I look expectantly at Angel, who's lying atop my bed.

"What do you think?" I ask, glancing down at it.

She lifts her head from where it rested on her paws and barks once, wagging her tail.

I chuckle and reach forward to pet her head, "I like it too."

I hear my phone buzz over on my bedside table and I drape the blouse over my desk chair before hopping onto my bed. I reach over and grab my phone from off of the table and unplug it from the charger, only for Hayden's name to flash across the screen.

I lay down on my stomach with my chin resting on a pillow as I read his text.

Hayden: Just you wait for your payback.

I laugh and shake my head, quickly responding.

Me: I would love to know what it is :)

Hayden: It's pretty diabolical

Me: I hope so

Hayden: You know I'm not one to disappoint ;)

I bite my lip and laugh, shifting so that I'm laying on my back with my arms up in the air.

Me: I'm quite curious...

Hayden: You sure you want to know?

Me: I don't have all night, Hayden. I have more important things to do

I can practically picture him rolling his eyes as he texts me back, and the 10% battery warning dances across my screen. I scowl and click 'okay' to make it disappear, too lazy to plug it back in.

Hayden: I'm going to make you admit to being friends with me.

I laugh and bury my face in my pillow as I chuckle.

Me: Damn, nightmares for life...

Hayden: Haha.

Hayden: But seriously, come over tomorrow for a rematch after our half-day, you'll see it was only luck the first time.

I snort and place my phone back on the charger since I was down to 2%. I roll off of my bed and head to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before bed. It's close to twelve AM, and I'm pretty much exhausted.

After finishing up in the bathroom, I walk back into my room and collapse onto my bed. Angel moves so that she's lying next to me with her head resting on the other pillow, and I hear Bruce trot into the room from wherever he was. He jumps onto my bed and lies by my feet, resting his head next to my leg.

"Goodnight guys," I yawn, snuggling deep into my fluffy covers.

They both grunt in response.


After school, I find myself driving to Hayden's house to hang out with him. We finished our project when I was over here Sunday night and turned it in yesterday, yet here I am driving to his house again with no project to get done.

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