Chapter Twenty Five

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If you haven't followed my Instagram yet, do so before reading this update!! (EverlarkCatoniss)

Also go on twitter and follow my twitter account (same pen name- EverlarkCatonis) That will most likely be updated more frequently as a schedule for updates. I have exciting news coming up too!

The attached cover is from @MooYorkCity

Chapter Twenty Five

"Hey Pumpkin!"

I take my headphone out of my ear when I hear my dad calling my name from downstairs and pause my music.

"Yeah dad?" I holler back, loud enough to travel through my door and down the steps.

"Some boy is here to see you!" He calls, his voice hardened and more powerful than usual.

I can picture him putting up his big, fierce and powerful front up for whoever is at our front door. I'm sure the visitor is wide-eyed with his tail tucked between his legs, choking out yes sir every other word.

I furrow my brow, "Do you know who it is?"

"Hayden," he says gruffly.

My dad has met him before, but that doesn't matter when it involves boys. He can love you and think the world of you, but as soon as you come over with no other intention than to see me, he turns into Mr. I Will Kill You If You Lay A Hand On Her

"I'll be down in a minute!"

As I get dressed, I try to imagine what my dad is forcing Hayden to talk with him about. He isn't exactly the most social person when it comes to teenagers. I can only pray he isn't trying to give him a 'talk' that isn't needed.

I skip down the steps and see exactly what I was expecting: Hayden awkwardly standing by the front door with my dad standing high and mighty- arms crossed, chin up, eyes narrowed.

When Hayden sees me, the uncomfortable and awkward expression on his face shifts to relief and his features relax into the remnants of a smile.

"Thanks dad, I think you tortured him enough," I say, placing a hand on his shoulder that hints at him leaving the room.

He glances down at me and his eyes soften slightly, but then he sends another glare at Hayden. "Alright, I'll be in the living room if you need me. With my shotgun."

Hayden relaxes slightly once my dad leaves the room, and his confidence comes flooding back, but with a small change. His stance is confident, sure, but his eyes are darting around nervously.

"Hey, sorry about him. He's a teddy bear," I breathe, leaning against the wall with my arms hugging my body. "What's up?"

"If he's a teddy bear then I would hate to meet a grizzly bear," Hayden mutters. Then he scratches the back of his neck and his eyes stay trained everywhere but me. "As for why I'm here... Do you remember when I told you about my mom?"

I furrow my brow, "Yeah, of course. Why?"

"I'm going to see her today."

My eyes widen and I slowly realize why he told me.

"You want me to come?"

He slowly looks up from the floor and his eyes meet mine- their dark blue depths like an ocean of vulnerability. "The ride can get lonely sometimes," he admits.

Then classic, cocky Hayden tries to push through to relinquish the vulnerability in his previous words. "These muscles are meant for a girl to admire, and I figure with an hour car ride it will give you plenty of time to get them right in your next drawing."

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