Chapter Twenty Four

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Do I have any guy readers?

Also, please send me more covers! I need some attachments ;) This one was made by Tommos24

Chapter Twenty Four

"She gave me detention!" I exclaim, throwing my arms into the air. "Detention!"

Noah sighs and shakes his head, "I know, I got it too."

"All we did was skip class for, what? Like fifteen minutes?" I huff, tucking the stupid note into my pocket.

Noah and I left class to hang out in the hallway for no more than fifteen minutes, and Mrs. Hughes came bounding down the hall with two detention slips already written.

Noah glances down at me and steps in front of me with a dashing smile, "I think it was worth it, I got fifteen minutes with you."

My brows shoot up and my mouth stays half open in hopes of some sort of reply.

"And now we get another hour together in detention," he adds, walking again.

I smile at him, "Yeah at least I'm not alone in this."

"Now we just have to hope Hughes isn't our detention administrator," he shutters.

I stop walking, "She can do that?!"

He glances back over at me and chuckles, walking up close to me. "She can, sadly, but don't worry. I'll be there." He grins. The warning bell sounds, interrupting his kind gaze. "Alright, I guess I'll see you in detention, then."

He walks away after giving me a shining smile, and I come up on my locker and see Hayden loitering around with a familiar white envelope in his hands. I feel myself smiling as I get closer to him and his arrogant blue eyes and I snatch it from his boasting hands, as if showing off that he once again broke into my locker.

"Ever going to tell me how you get into my locker?" I ask.

He smirks and leans his shoulder against it, "What do you think?"

I snort and roll my eyes, "Shouldn't have even asked."

"I really just look inside to see if you have any secret drawings of me hanging around in there," he grins.

I scowl, "Isn't that getting a little old?"

"I don't think it will ever get old, Cupcake."

"Sometimes I really don't like you."

"And other times you fall asleep snuggled up to me."

I bite my tongue to avoid answering him and instead turn to my letter. And, as always, it drives annoyance away from me and puts pure bliss in its place.

     Dear Beautiful,

     I know you're special.

Your laugh is special. It drives doubt out the window and scares away fear. When I hear it, it's like my own little piece of sunshine that I keep stored away for the rainy days in my heart. The days I see you walking around with him.

Your smile is special. It is my only light to see through the darkness.

Your body is special. Your curves are like the gentle rolling hills that lead to my favorite place. Your long legs have me practically crawling on my knees, and you know just how to show them off.

Your beauty is special. You have no need for makeup to try and accentuate your facial features, they are already beautifully exposed for my eyes to admire.

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