Chapter-12 : Cost of the Favour

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Zawad's P.O.V.

This girl is something else! Last night I was so angry with her giving me advices like an adult that I spit out all my anger on her. But when she left out sobbing, I felt really guilty and ashamed of my behavior.

The whole night I thought about her. I have to apologize to her. But for what? Was I wrong? Fine, even if I admit that I was wrong and I should change my perspective,what should I do? How am I going to keep faith in my Creator and wait for the result? I should talk to her. I won't let her misunderstand me. She has to know that I was out of my mind today.

That's why I went to her directly to clear up all the mess I created. I just wanted to say sorry to her though I had no wish to hear her advices again.

But her every word felt so trustworthy that I couldn't just ignore that. I instantly agreed on praying to keep contact with her.

I don't know what got into me when I asked her like a stupid if she would come with me or not. I was insane. I just know that I need Shayba by my side whose company will soothe my broken heart. I just know that I like everything she says and does and that influences me a great deal without any reason. I just know that she is the one I need right now to be back to my real self again. I just know..... That I like her.....A lot....

In the afternoon,I went to the library to study as I have to go to my home tomorrow. These repetitive journeys won't let me lead my normal life again.

As soon as I sat down with my books, I got a call from an unknown number. I received it and asked hushedly as I was in the library, "Hello! Who is this?"

"Assalamu Alaikum Bhaiya, it's me Shayba." I heard a mild,shy voice.

My heart fluttered. "What?"

"It's Asar's time. Go say your prayer now, quick!"

I became quite beamed with amusement to hear her talking to me in such an administrative tone. "Uhh I have come to the library now. Can I pray a bit later?"

"The sooner, the better. You have just an hour left to do that."

"Ok. Thanks."

She remained silent.

"Uhhh Shayba are you there??"

"Can you please say Jazakillahu Khair instead?"

I couldn't help but laugh at this girl's behavior. She is so cute! "Oh sorry I forgot. Jazakillahu Khair."

"BarakAllah Feek." happiness clear in her voice. "Allah Hafez."

"Allah Hafez. Wait, what does THAT mean???"

Beep.... She cut the call.

I went to the washroom to perform ablution and there it really surprised me to find out a praying room beside that. I never knew it's existence! I went inside to pray the Salah and solicit for mom's happiness. and after my prayer, I honestly had a pleasant and fresh feeling. It felt like I have completed a really important task. This amazing feeling provoked me to pray again. Maybe she is right. Maybe I should just keep faith in Allah and wait for the future patiently.

I came to study in a delightful mood after weeks. It's been a long time I smiled genuinely.

Shayba's P.O.V.

That was tough. I just hope that my endeavors will not go wasted. I hope he will understand the true perspective of Islam one day.

I texted him in the time of Maghrib too. I don't want to talk to this guy directly again and again. He texted back right away, "Do I have to say JazakAllahu Khair every time??? That's a long word... :( Rather won't it be better if I pray for you after my Salah??? :)"

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