Chapter-23 : Dilemma

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Shayba's P.O.V.

October 23

It's my birthday. Although I have never even once celebrated this day since I was in grade six as I came to learn about Islamic perspective then. I forbade mom and dad to bring me gifts or arranging parties. At first Annaba and Bhaiya used to shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my ears exactly at 12 a.m. and showered a thousand gifts upon me. But later they both realized the meaning of my apathy to celebrate birthdays and so decided not to bother me anymore regarding this. Annaba left her one's celebration too eventually.

Whether we execute this day or not, the truth is this day has always remained special to me. This is why every year I secretly spend my savings I collected for the past year to bring smile on some unprivileged faces. This little gesture makes my day a special one without involving others in it.

This year it is more important to me because my year final exam starts today. The first exam is on Soil Mechanics in which I do not excel at all. I prayed to Allah for helping me both in the earth and the hereafter after Fazar's prayer.

My exam started at 10 a.m. and the bell rang at 1 p.m. This was better than I expected. In a happy mood, I came out of the campus alone and decided to do some shopping.

I have often seen three little boys outside my varsity who sell flowers in the street. I've talked with them sometimes about their regular days and daily income. To be honest I couldn't resist lamenting when I got back to my hall. What they told me was in short like this, these three are siblings where the eldest is maybe 10 years old or so I guess. Their mother had been diagnosed with cancer and so they had to leave studying in order to earn money so that she can get proper treatment. Their dad has already abandoned them which made their mother their only support in this world. This is why these three are unanimous to do anything, literally anything, for her medication.

I just listened to their story quietly and the truth hit me hard. I perceived that Allah has granted me so blissful a life that I can't even imagine! I still am dependent on my parents' earning nevertheless treated like a mistress when I get back home. Being a bit introvert and reserved, I hardly wish for something from my parents. But when I do once, they don't say me anything, rather act as if it was a blessing on them that 'Shayba wanted something!' They do anything within their limits to keep my chin up. And these kids???? They have already been through so many difficulties that they know how to suffer, how to struggle and how to encounter the storms in life and win it over.

That is why I've resolved to have my lunch with them on this birthday. But first I need to buy some gifts for them. By the blessings of Allah,I've saved quite a handsome amount of money this year. So I entered the mall and bought three shirts according to their size in my notion. I wanted to help their mother the most but I really didn't know how to assist a cancer patient. Having a little fight within myself deciding whether I should buy a sharee for her or give those kids some money for her treatment, I concluded with buying a beautiful cotton sharee. I decided to give the rest of my money to the kids as a gift though I have little certainty that they will accept it from me. Then finally after completing the shopping, I went to the junction point of the road in search of them.

"Will you join me in the lunch please???"I curiously asked the kids when I found them in their usual roaming place.

They stared at me with uttermost suspicion but said nothing.

"Pleease??? I mean if you are not busy... I just wanted to have a lunch with you in that restaurant. Will you join me please?"

Still they kept looking at me dubiously.

"Come on! It's my birthday. Don't upset me.. Pleeease??" I said making my eyes convincing, the trick that I learnt from Annaba.

Hearing me,a beautiful smile played on their lips all on a sudden."That restaurant??"asked the eldest one.

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