Chapter-22 : I see the light

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Shayba's P.O.V.

The next day in the morning I woke up in a constant gloomy feel. The damn incident was starting to make me vexed again, so I just performed my ablution and then prayed Fazar's prayer. But my mind was restless and devastated. To be honest, Rahat's eyes on my figure molested my heart more than his stupid proposal. I couldn't for once forget the way he looked at me and complimented as if it was my body he wanted and craved for all the time. He never recognized the person inside me, rather kept nagging to marry me by getting overwhelmed with my beauty and family opulence.

And the most pathetic part is my mom never supported me in this. It was more important for her to save her friendship than to get her daughter married into a nice family who will adore and appreciate her. She never asked me what I wanted, rather always tried to blackmail me emotionally. I wanted to yell at her and allege to dad about her activities.

After prayer, I opened my Quran and started to read it. "Don't let your hatred for a people prevent you from being just. Be just. That is nearer righteousness." (Quran 5:8)

This verse again washed away all my worries, grievances and distractions like before. I wasn't angry or upset with mom anymore, on the contrary, it felt like she should be clearly and wisely informed about my perspectives and demands in my own wedding.

How amazing is that? Whenever you are struggling with your mind, you'll find a verse in Quran that just suits your situation perfectly and gives you mental peace. Indeed Allah is the best of all knowers.

Then I went to the study room and kept studying for the whole day as it was almost time for the final exam. In the afternoon when Annaba came to me jumping and started to shake my body horribly. "Sis, sis, sis!!!"

"What do you want?"

She continued to shout in my ear, "Let's go shopping! Let's go shopping! Let's go shopping!!!!!!"

"Calm down for Allah's sake...! Why? What do you need? Haven't I brought enough things for you from France?"

"I need to buy a new pair of shoes.." she said throwing a puss-in-boots look towards me.

"I'm not going. I'm tired."

"Pleeeeeeaaseee sis! You are the only one who cares for me. Please don't say no!"

"Argh okay Fine. Let's go. I'm tired too for studying the whole day."

"Wooooo!! I love you!!!"

I huffed being pampered. Then called Nawsheen to meet us in the mall. It's been soooooo long we don't get to meet! Though I talk to her almost everyday, but it's nothing at all if two besties can't see each other, is it?

We walked together towards the mall chilling in the afternoon light. It's been months since we hangout like this.

Entering the mall together and happily laughing at our own jokes and sarcasm, we roamed around the whole mart. I bought some headscarves and then we three kept rambling for Annaba's one pair of freaking shoes...

Suddenly I realized that a gang of guys are following us since our entry to the mall. I looked back clumsily and found three to four guys directly looking at us laughing and whistling. I do not get scared easily. But their chasing us and teasing added fuel to the fire in my mind.

I looked at Nawsheen and Annaba and say,"Stop talking so loud and shut your mouth."

"What? Why?"their smiles stopped in an instance.

"Don't look back. Some guys are pursuing us ever since we entered the mall. So let's get out of here guys."

"Heeeehhh???" Both of them try to take a glimpse behind.

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